One step forward
And two steps back
that's the way with you, isn't it?
Like the great sea with his mighty tides,
washing barren shores in the brilliant light.
Blessing them by his Midas touch
then pulling back,
with such repulse.
Leaving behind a tear strained sand,
And a never- ending loop of hurt.
Come back to the coast to make up
Each time, bringing glittering new shells.
Are they apologies, reasons, or
death's stolen mementos?
I shall only guess, but never know.
So many a river, poured her elixir,
Her soul into you.
Only to become a nameless memory,
A forgotten fragment in the abyss.
P/n : Please vote if you liked the poem, and follow me on instagram (@grey_feronia). ❤❤❤❤
Cottage Chronicles
PoesíaLife's chronicles from love, sorrow, anger, guilt, shame, happiness buried in a poetic cipher. Would you like some words and wine, on wooden floorboards? ©️ Feronia Grey