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Almost sunrise,

Yet so dark.

Almost sunset,

Yet so sanguine.

Almost bloom

Yet unfurled petals.

Almost old,

But so delicate.

Almost wise,

Yet stepping into the unkown.

Almost rock,

Yet so weathered.

Almost right

Until you flip the side.

Almost ice

Until you melt.

Almost haze,

But a nimbus's visible

To the eye,

Almost by mistake.

Almost a misunderstanding,

Almost unsaid,

Almost said,

Almost known.

Almost visible-

Time in the crystal ball,

Almost clear

Except for the flecks

Of almost a doubt.

Almost eager,

Almost disappointed.

Almost revisited

By the old ghost,

Repeating the same again.

Almost worthless,

Almost unintentionally,

Almost indifferent.

Almost free,

Almost forgiven,

Almost peace.

Almost forgotten,

Almost learnt,

From something that was

Almost true

Almost real



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