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Kiara's pov

The second we locked eyes, it was as if time seemed to slow down. It slowed down so much that if either of us were to blink it would seem like we were asleep.

It was as if Colby didn't know how to react to me, his mouth opening once or twice before sighing and turning to Jake, who was already sitting in the front seat, "Jake," He began, his voice seeming incredibly irritated like how it used to be when he kidnapped me the first time, "Why the hell is she here?"

"Kiara's coming with us to LA. I told her she could stay while she did her busine-" Jake couldn't even keep a lighthearted tone as Colby would interrupt him.

"No. Oh fuck no. I've seen the shit she's done in New York. She is not coming here to fuck shit up for me. Not again," He turned to me, "I don't know why he brought you here, and I'm sure it's an inconvenience for you to fly the whole way back. But you can't stay here,"

"That's too bad," I squinted my eyes at him, "I have business to do, so no matter what I'm staying here," I didn't let him speak as I slid both of my suitcases across the seat and sat behind Jake.

"Why aren't we going?" Jake asked with an innocent smile as Colby stared daggers into his soul.

Colby's fingers danced around the steering wheel as he continued to think. He rolled his eyes and looked at me in the backseat, "Can we talk for a second? Just Jake and I,"

I didn't know whether or not he planned on leaving me here, because it would blow my chance to get into his house and find that ring. But I complied, opening the door once again and letting myself out.

I shut the door behind me, letting them talk with my arms folded.

After a couple of seconds I realized that they weren't in there talking for a quick, easy, in and out chit chat so I pulled out my phone.

Now that I was off the airplane I could look at the text messages I got while I was on it.

Nothing from anybody, not even Kavin.

I sighed, knowing that how I treated him probably wasn't the best because he deserved better. Kavin did so much for me with work and as a brother I couldn't have asked for anyone better.

When I got back to New York the first thing I'd have to do was make it up to him and promise to treat him better.

I couldn't tell him that I'd show everyone he's alive because that would give people an advantage over me. I was unstoppable, with my entire family dead because I killed them. Keeping Kavin a secret was for the better, and to let the world know I failed to kill him would show that I cared for my brother, and they would come for him.

If I lost Kavin I don't know what I'd do. So in a way, the way I treat him is wrong but it's for his own good.

Maybe I won't be able to keep my promise but I can try my best just to be better.

I texted him a quick I'm sorry for last night before the driver door opened, and Colby walked around the car to face me.

"Look," He began, crossing his arms to make himself more intimidating. Not that I was fazed, I saw that kind of shit all the time.

"Just because Jake brought you back doesn't mean I won't send you back. Whatever you're here for, I'm not going to help you and I think eventually I'll get you to tell me, but I'm not going to send you home," He explained, his tone unreadable and his words bland.

"I know you wouldn't send me home," I rolled my eyes, "You'll never truly be able to get rid of me,"

"Whatever we had is long fucking gone, Kiara. I feel nothing for you. You're a stranger to me," Colby snapped.

"Bull fucking shit," I countered, "You just said you know what I've been up to in New York. So I wouldn't be surprised if you had someone watching my every god damn move while I was there,"

"You're damn right I have," He agreed with an obvious tone, "I don't trust you. I don't know why Jake thought it'd be a good idea to bring your stupid ass here but it just means that I get to keep a closer eye on you,"

"Good luck with that, Colby. You know nothing about me. I've changed, okay? I'm not some little girl anymore. I'm not the same person I was when you took me from my life and made me believe that you would keep me safe and actually care for me," Even though my words were angry, I could still feel the sadness over the entire situation.

It was pathetic. I was pathetic.

"Do you think that's why I did what I did? To protect you?" He asked in disbelief, causing me to scoff. "Yes. I know now that you had intended to do this from the start. You wanted me to be lulled by a false sense of security just to do something that you know would tear me apart,"

"And that's where you're wrong," He said, his words coming out faster than he would think as I pissed him off more, "I didn't mean to do any of that. I regretted taking you from your family because now look where we are," Even though we were both still clearly upset with each other, I could tell he was trying to reason with me.

"Yeah, we spent the last year trying to figure where the fuck we went wrong but I gladly spell it out for you, and explain why I did what I did," I got closer to him, stabbing my finger into his chest as I talked.

"You lied to me. Do you hear me? You lied. I wanted to be with you but all you really wanted to do was tear me apart. So I knew when you told me you loved me that it wasn't true," Colby didn't stop me as I spoke, but grabbed my hand tightly to keep me from touching him again, "And when I said it, I meant it. So I wanted you to die with the thought that you were loved, at least for a little while,"

"But I regret it now," I snatched my hand away and turned away, getting into the car to leave him outside alone.

"Well?" Jake asked, turning to face me.

"I'm coming home with you."

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