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Kiara's pov

I didn't care to tell anyone I was flying back to New York. I left all of my belongings, since I would need them anyway, in my bedroom that felt more like a prison.

I pulled the same card Jake did, explaining that I was already paid for because I was Jake Webber's wife and he was waiting for me in New York.

Oddly enough, after plenty of time wasted on begging and reasoning, the airport security guard led me through the metal detectors and scanning and quickly escorted me to the gate.

The flight was five hours, I tried to sleep to pass the time but I couldn't help but be anxious. I didn't know if the girls were right and my brother was actually gone, or he was just ignoring Sam as well as me.

I spent the plane ride staring out the window, since I had a window seat.

The flight could not have ended any sooner, and I became fairly impatient fairly quickly.

But, luckily, I made it off without having a nervous breakdown.

Getting home was an issue, traffic-wise. I called a cab New-York-style and told them the address to get me to the gang's garage.

Now that I was thinking about it, it wasn't nearly as nice as Sam's.

I didn't pay him, promising that I would pay him in "other services" if I was to ever see him again, which was good enough for him to let me off free even though I'm sure he'd get in some type of trouble.

I didn't care about my leg anymore, running down into the parking garage and taking the elevator by myself to the fourth floor where both of our rooms were.

I went to his, banging on the door only a couple of times before it popped open, leaving me surprised that he left it unlocked.

I stormed in, looking around his room which wasn't much bigger than mine, only to find it empty.

Because he was of the male gender, he was allowed to have guns in his room. I did him a quick favor and took the one I'd find most useful.

Due to the excessive usage, my leg was already beginning to throb since the medicine wore off hours ago.

Colby must have stabbed something like a muscle or important veins because that shit still hurts.

I don't know leg anatomy but I do know pain. And this was it.

"God dammit," I groaned, thinking about what I could do with the gun.

One idea popped into my mind, one that sounded wonderful and could have good results or bad consequences.

I took a deep breath, making my way out of Kavin's room and out to the elevator, taking me to the second floor.

I wasn't supposed to be here, but I knew where everything was because I was required to know the layout of the entire garage.

Once the elevator dinged and announced I was getting off, I went past all the offices that lined the first half of the floor. The second half was all the bedrooms and living areas of all the important people.

Gen's was the biggest, meaning it was in the back. Not that hard to figure out, and thanks to the lack of security I was able to get there rather quickly.

The door was unlocked, so I didn't hesitate to make my way in, taking the safety off the gun.

I walked in with the gun extended in front of me, and when I looked off to the right of the first room, there he was. Gen, sitting with a few of the other higher-up gang members at an office table.

One second of hesitation resulted in my death, so I didn't waste any time.

I put a bullet into Gen's head faster than I could think of what to do next.

"Find Vito Neeley. Now," I instructed as all of the other men looked on in horror as to what I just did.

"Did I stutter?" I asked as they all stared at me with a baffled look, "I'm in charge now. Find. Neeley! NOW,"

It took another second before they all stood up and rushed out of the room, leaving just me and one more.

"Why-" He instantly cut me off.

He was a bald guy that had a nice build, fairly strong-looking and somewhere around the six foot mark.

"I'm August. August Arlea. I am - or was - Genovese's right-hand man," He held his hand out for me to shake.

"Okay. I'm Kiara Kishi. I'm in charge now," I repeated, more for my own benefit than his.

I did it. I actually killed him. Genovese is dead, because of me.

I did not feel any better now that he was gone, not like I thought I would.

"Yes, you made that quite clear," He broke into a smile, staring at the body that was slouched over the table, "I'll call someone to clean that up. So, boss, what's the first thing on your agenda?"

"Oh. I'm fixing this place the hell up," I became aggressive when I spoke, hoping that he'd take me seriously even though I was just a woman, "This place is now in better hands, and the first thing I need to do is get Vito here, for my sake,"

"Okay," He didn't seem to know how to handle being around his new boss.

I bet he was fighting the urge to kill me, but have respect for me at the same time.

"You can put the gun down," He said, motioning to my gun that I still had pointed out in front of me.

"Sorry," I flicked the safety back on and put it by my side, but the door opening interrupted that.

"That was quick," I muttered before walking out to the entrance of Gen's old room.

There Vito was, being held by four other men as he was guided into the room.

"Kiara. God dammit tell them to let me go," He sounded more irritated than scared, which was completely understandable.

"Where's my brother? Tell me right now or I swear to God I will blow your head off," I played with the safety on the gun, watching as he tried throwing his shoulder to get out of the mens' grasp.

"He left hours ago!" Vito let out a sharp breath, "There was a message left for him saying that you went AWOL and he got on one of my private jets and left!"

"He went to California," I concluded, putting the gun away and motioning to the men holding Vito, "Guys, thank you, let him go. Get someone to clean up Genovese. Arlea is in charge until my brother gets back,"

I sighed before walking out the door, wondering what Kavin could be getting up to in LA.

If I knew anything about him, he would be causing chaos until I was found.

Which means I would need to get there as quickly as possible.

"Vito, one more thing," I turned around, "Do you have another jet on hand?"

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