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Kiara's pov

I must admit that riding in a private jet was a great experience.

This shit was some kind of superjet, so I was there late at night after being in the air for only three hours.

Luckily, Vito had some friends who owned a helipad right outside Los Angeles, and the entire thing was paid for, including the Uber Ride to the house.

Sam's house looked fairly peaceful from the outside, beautiful with no noise coming from the inside.

It was when I tested the front door that I ran into my first problem: it was locked.

I'd been having so much luck so far so it was about time that ran out, anyways.

Knowing Sam and Colby, I would have assumed that the windows were bulletproof, but they must not have learned their lesson because they weren't.

I broke a window at least two rooms away from the front room, hopping in through the shards just to find myself at the end of the hallway outside of the kitchen.

"TELL ME WHERE SHE IS" My heart sank to my stomach when I heard Kavin shout down the hallway, into the main room by the front door.

"We don't know where she is," Sam said, his quiet authoritative voice ringing afterwards, "So put the gun down and we can figure this out,"

"I NEED MY SISTER" Kavin wouldn't stop shouting, his distress almost breaking my heart.

I took off down the hallway to where they were, realizing that Kavin somehow made his way to the beginning of the hallway I was in, with almost everyone from Sam's gang having a gun pointed towards Kavin.

Kavin must have heard my footsteps, turning around just in time to see me. Before he lowered his gun, a shot rang through the air, instantly draining Kavin's face of any color.

"Oh my god," I threw my arms underneath his armpits, wrapping my arms around his torso as he fell to the ground, leaving me underneath him.

"Kavin, what's wrong? You're alright," I wiggled out from underneath him, and that's when I saw it.

The blood.

Instantly, I fell into a bout of hysteria, screaming and crying and babbling as I grabbed Kavin's face gently, then ripped his shirt off where the shot was in his lower back.

"No, no," I sobbed into a cough, unsure of what to do but knowing that I needed to be there for my brother.

"Someone call nine-one-one! Do something please!" I heard footsteps but didn't bother to look up to see who they belonged to.

I felt someone grab me from behind, trying to tug me away from Kavin.

"STOP LET ME GO!" I fought out of their grip after I was about two feet away from him, crawling back over just to be snatched away again.

We were still on the floor, with me fighting to be let free and the other person holding my head to their chest with one hand, holding my waist with the other.

"Kiara, they're trying to help him," Colby said, and that's when it clicked that he was the one who pulled me away.

"I need my brother. He can't die, don't let him die," I gave up trying to get away, wrapping my arms around myself.

"Is she alright?" Someone, Stas asked. She came up from my backside so I couldn't see her.

I didn't want to see her, I didn't want to look anyone in the eyes when I looked like this

"That's her brother," Colby said, "Go get Devyn, please. She should be upstairs, tell her what's going on,"

After a couple of minutes, I tried my best to not focus on anything, losing myself as I zoned out, staring at the floor.

I heard a groan from Kavin, causing me to snap out of my faze and push myself away from Colby, only to hit my head on his chin.

Colby let out a grunt, but he loosened his grip just enough for me to get free and stand up, running over to where Reggie and Carrington were loading Kavin into a stretcher.

"Is he alright? Please tell me what's going on," I begged, reaching and grabbing Reggie's shoulder.

"The bullet is in his lower back," Reggie explained, "We have to get to the office to get it out as soon as possible,"

"Did it hit his spine?" I asked, leaning over as they wheeled it out.

I turned my head slightly as Colby walked up, glancing over my head at Reggie, as if to see if I was causing problems.

I knew the second Reggie said anything - true or not - Colby would rip me out of here and take me somewhere where I'd have no chance of seeing Kavin until God knows when.

I wiped my face, trying to dry it from the tears. If the bullet hit his spine there's a chance he may never walk again.

"There's a possibility. We don't know right now," Reggie sighed, "We have to leave right now though,"

"Can I come with? please?" I asked, and Sam called from the front doors Kavin was being wheeled to, "No, you're staying with us. We need to talk to you, then you'll go over as soon as we're done," He seemed to add the end on out of fear that I might have a breakdown if I couldn't go.

I watched as they wheeled him out before looking at Colby with my arms wrapped around myself, "Who did it? Who shot him?"

Colby's mouth opened like he was going to answer before closing it again.

"Colby," I repeated slower, knowing that he knew the answer, "Who. shot. my. brother?"

"I'm not telling you that," He shook his head, and I shoved past him, going in the direction of their bedrooms.

"Fine. I'll just go find the goddamn security footage and figure it out myself," I decided.

I just had to find the security room, before Colby could convince me not to.


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