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Kiara's pov

I waited a couple of minutes after Colby left with Stas to move, or to do anything for that matter.

It seemed logical that the first place to look for the ring in Colby's room if I could find it.

I opened the door to the room, stepping out into the hallway and then shut it behind me.

Nobody was in this hallway, which made me wonder whether or not anyone else even had a bedroom up here.

I walked back down the stairs and down the hallway into the main room before genuinely wondering where I was.

There was obviously a huge living room to my right, with the front door being to the left of me so I decided to head in that direction.

The living room was nice. Dark, but still nice.

There were two exits to this room, not counting the one I came in through. I picked the one furthest away from the front of the house where I was met with a kitchen.

Instantly, it hit me that I brought no weapons. I brought nothing to defend myself,

And the kitchen was the first and easiest place to get some.

There was no butcher block on the counter, nothing to signal that this kitchen was actually used for cooking purposes.

I opened one of the first drawers I saw, which was connected to the island and began rummaging through it, though I found nothing but stupid wires and batteries

I was so focused I didn't notice Sam in the doorway to the kitchen. "Why are you here?" He asked quietly.

I snapped my head up, feeling my face burn red from the embarrassment of being caught, "Business. I thought Jake told you that,"

He tilted his head to the side, admitting that I was correct. "Alright, better question. Why are you going through my kitchen?" He pointed to the drawers I had left open as I went, with little things like toothpicks and knife blades sitting seperately.

"I need a lighter," I blurted out, "Couldn't take mine through the airport,"

"Oh," He seemed to have gone blank for a moment, "Why didn't you just ask?"

"I didn't know where anybody was," I chuckled, shaking my head, "I got lost trying to find a kitchen,"

"You'll learn it soon enough. I'm assuming you'll be staying for a while?" He guessed, opening up a cabinet full of cups and a tiny box.

"Yeah. Who knows, though. I could leave tonight if I get my shit done," I walked up to him as he pulled the lighter out of the box.

This box was filled with fun things. Bullet shells, BB gun bullets, pocket knives, lighters and spoons that were definitely burnt underneath.

"Can I ask what you're doing?" Sam questioned, "Why did you have to come to LA alone?"

"I was given a mission to find something. Jake knows what it is, so I'm assuming he'll tell you but I won't," I admitted to the ending part, figuring that Jake would have said something.

"Oh. Yeah, we flew him out to New York to talk about a drug deal at a meeting. He said he didn't catch what the guy wanted," Sam explained.

"Odd. But if he doesn't know then there's no point in me telling you," I shrugged, and watched as a fascinated smirk spread across the blonde's face.

"It's because you're looking for something here, aren't you?" He stood up fully, walking slowly up to me.

"You think we have something you need?" His voice was becoming aggressive the closer he got to me.

"Well let me tell you something, Kiara," Sam's tone raised, "Now that you're here, you can't leave. And you won't leave, not again. I'm not letting you go back to New York to report what's happening under this roof,"

"You can't stop me," I snapped, "You have no power here,"

"I'd like to disagree. But I'd like to thank you at the same time," He grinned evily, "Thanks to your little stunt in Florida, Colby almost died. Leaving me in charge for almost two months while he recovered. When he was ready to take back control here, I stopped him,"

"I run this place now, not Colby. And we're doing better than we ever were with him," He added with satisfaction.

I was shocked into silence. Nobody took leadership from Colby, not without fighting tooth and nail for it.

"Bet you didn't see that one coming, huh?" He asked, making me want to slap his smile off his face. "A lot has changed around here Kiara. So much you couldn't even fathom it in that pea brain of yours,"

"I will go if I want to. No exceptions, no one is holding me hostage again," I demanded, "I am not letting you put me through that again,"

"If you think you can come into my home looking for something that isn't here and leave with no repercussions you're sadly mistaken," Sam warned, "Step out of line one time while you're here and I'll kill that brother of yours,"

That was the last thing he said before storming out of the room, leaving me alone with my lighter.

I turned over to see the box still on the counter, the pocket knives with new blades in them. I grabbed the first one I saw, opening it up and looking down the hallway Sam went down.

I ran down the hallway, holding the knife above my head to bring it down into Sam's flesh.

I managed to stab him right behind his shoulder, but he went unfazed as he turned around, pushing me to the ground by my throat.

"I knew you'd fuck up," He said as he pushed a white cloth over my mouth, "I just didn't think it'd be so soon,"

I heard a scream, though it was high pitched like a woman's I knew it wasn't mine.

"Katrina, go in the other room babe," He said, hiding my face from her as I tried fighting him, kicking my legs away.

Whatever he had on the cloth was making me feel dizzy, making me feel as if I had no control over my body.

"Nighty night bitch," He muttered in my ear as my world faded black.

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