thE FaMilY
COmE ANd joiN oUr TrOupE.
sHH, nO ThInkiNg lOop-DE-LooPs.
ouR tRouPe iS cLosE, a FaMilY,
ANd onE CAn CLeArLY sEE tHat yOU'rE LOnEly.
Come on child, join our group,
Don't worry, we'll give you soup,
Our group is brimming, so wealthy,
And can help our supply- so stealthy!
Come on child, join our gang,
No better offer was ever sang.
Our gang sticks together, has a home,
We all know you won't survive all alone.
I not quite as happy with this poem, but what can I do? I mean, you've(hopefully) already read. Oh well. Have a nice day!
The Moon, Sun and Ice Cream
PoesiaSo this is just a group of poems I put together. Some are really old, some I will write the day I post them. You're welcome to criticize my work, and give it to me straight. You're also just welcome to read. So, without further ado......