Keeping you warm(2)

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'As expected..his shirt is quite big for me but I could manage.', Miyano had already put on the clothes that Sasaki gave him. Thankfully that the pants Sasaki gave him was a smaller size so he could fit in. As for the shirt, it was to long for him.

The shirt Miyano wearing is a dark blue coloured with long sleeves. Sasaki probably choose this shirt on purpose since the weather was rainy and cold. Long sleeves clothes tends to keep him warmer.

'Sasaki's shirt..its comfortable. I could smell his scent on it..huh? Wait-why am I smelling his shirt??', Miyano realise that he had already pulled his face towards his sleeves. His ear went red like it was burning.

He shake his head to stop thinking about this matter. He went out back to Sasaki.

"Thank you for lending me your clothes. I don't feel that cold now."

"Oh! No problem, anything for you Mya chan. ", Sasaki looks at Miyano who's wearing his clothes right in front of him. He looks quite fitting with that oversized shirt.

'Cute', Sasaki thinks.

'Anything What does he mean?', Miyano was stunned when he heard these words but also feel touched to have a wonderful senior like him by his side.

"Thank you"

The rain outside became bigger and bigger. It will be difficult to go outside at this weather. Nobody was walking outside anymore,just plenty leaves that are strongly blew away by the wind to the ground. Soon, a thunder strucks from afar, making a loud noise.

"Ugh..I didn't know that the rain will be this bad. I forgotten to check the weather forecast today. ", Miyano sigh,then look out to the window. Although he's wearing long sleeved clothes, he started shivering from the cold. Sasaki noticed Miyano's condition in the middle of their conversation. He stands up and went to the kitchen. He came back with a cup of hot tea. He puts the cup of tea at the table in front of Miyano.

"Oh,is that for me?"

"For you.", he nods and smiles.

Miyano drinks the tea, he finished it quickly. He gotten warmer but still feels like freezing.

"Thank you."

Sasaki did not answered him back. He paused awhile. He wanted to say something but hesitated. Miyano saw Sasaki open his mouth preparing to say something but he didn't.

"Mya chan.", he finally decided to spoke.


"Is uhm..that, the weather is freezing and I saw you kept do you want to-", he stopped before saying the last word.

"Want to?"


"C-cuddle?", Miyano wasn't expecting that he would request such things.

"W-well it's because both of us would get warmer this way.", Sasaki noticed that his words might had came out in a different way.

'What in the bl is this?? Cuddling?? Huh? With him? What do I do? But he's right..we both could get warmer that way..b-but.', Miyano was panicking in his thoughts. He never thought of cuddling with Sasaki.

"You can always say no if you're comfortable.", Sasaki seems upset saying this. This feels familiar.

'Ah no, not again that sad reaction.'

Just when Sasaki was about to give up on this idea. Miyano agreed.


"Eh? ", Sasaki was confused. He thought Miyano wouldn't agree on this.

"It's cold so let's do it."
"Let's cuddle", he smiles, hoping after agreeing to this, Sasaki wouldn't be that upset anymore.

"Ah-alright", Sasaki cheeks slightly went red. He's happy deep down.

"Sit here.", Sasaki sat down first and give out some space on the floor for Miyano in front of him. Miyano gulped and sat in front of him together. Sasaki hugs him from the back and lays his head on Miyano shoulder.

'Wait, what is going on with him? He suddenly laid his head on my shoulder..uh.', they were so close that Miyano got nervous and he's heart couldn't stop bouncing. Somehow Sasaki's heartbeats are loud too. It was peaceful quiet and they continue to stay in this position. Both of them couldn't find the courage to say something at this moment so they kept their mouth shut.

As time goes by, Miyano could hear soft breathing sounds. He slightly turn his head to see Sasaki's face. He had already slept on his shoulders. Sasaki looks comfortable and attractive as usual even when he's sleeping. Miyano couldn't stop staring at Sasaki's sleeping face. He pokes his cheeks with his finger a few times for fun.

'Is he having a good dream? Was it someone he cherished? Hm.', he thinks.

"I will stay till you wake up.", Miyano says while smiling to his face.
So pure and innocent, I could never-

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