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~Y/n pov~

The bus arrived at school and I walked inside the school building with the same confidence I always walk with.
I went to the counselors office and got my schedule, locker number and code, all my books and a map over the school.
I looked at the paper with my classes and realized that I had this one boy in every class.
Boris.. Pav- Pavli- Pavliko- Pavlikov- Pavlikovskysnfowhdb. I give up. Something like that, his name was Boris.
I also had this other boy Theodore Decker in most of my classes, not all but most. I don't know why their names specifically stood out but they did especially that Boris Pavlikovsomething.

I went to my locker and put my stuff away, except what I needed for my first class and my water bottle.
The bell rung and I headed to class, the school wasn't as complicated to get around as I thought it was going to be, all of my classes were on the first floor along with my locker and the cafeteria.
I got to class and sat down in the second to last row of the back of the classroom next to a window, some students were already there and the rest started coming in now.
Then I saw him- The tall dark curly haired boy with the other boy that looked like a blonde harry potter.
They walked in and sat down a row behind me, the potter dude behind me and the tall one next to him.
The teacher came in and welcomed us and said she had an announcement to make.
Shit shit shit shit, please no please no pleaseeee don't say it don't say it don't say it-
I thought to myself but it was too late..

"We have a new student that just moved here from Minnesota! Miss Hayashi, would you please come up here and introduce yourself to the class" The teacher said.

"Chikushō! *sigh* kuso kurae bakayarou. Chikushou.. Kuso! Kuso! Kuso!" (Oh shit... *sigh* Eat shit asshole. Son of a bitch.. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!)
I mumbled to myself quickly.
"What did you say Miss Hayashi? I didn't understand you." The teacher said
"Oh- nothing." I said as I got up from my seat and walked to the front of the classroom.
"Kon'nichiwa(Hello) *small bow* My name is Y/n Hayashi and I use they/them pronouns thanks. I moved here this summer, I live with my aunt Misaki Yameda and her husband"
The teacher looked at me and then the rest of the class and asked "Does anyone have any questions for Mis- I mean uh- Y/n?"

"Where are you from?" A student asked
"I'm from Minnesota." I answered
"No I mean like- you know?"
"My mom was half American, half Japanese. My dad was Japanese." I answered
"Was?" A student asked
"They're dead." I asked with no emotion in my voice or face whatsoever. I looked at the teacher and she looked at me and told me that I could go back to my seat.

{Time skip until lunch break}

I grabbed my cigs and lighter from my backpack and went outside behind the school. Almost no one was outside during lunch so it was easy to find a spot were no one would see me.
I popped in my earbuds and started playing music from my favorite playlist. I leaned back against a big tree and put a cig in my mouth, lighting it and closing my eyes humming to the music while smoking.

~Boris pov~

Me and Potter was on our way to our usual smoking spot for lunch break when I saw her- I mean them, laying down against the tree where we usually smoked during breaks at school.
They laid there humming along to their music, wiggling their small feet while smoking, taking deep breaths of their cig.
We went a bit closer and that's when I could smell it, so subtle that only someone extremely used to the smell could notice it. Mary Jane.
They were smoking weed on school grounds, but they were apparently quite smart and had done this for awhile since anyone that isn't used to the smell of Mary Jane wouldn't smell anything other then the cigarette smell itself. Smart.

I went up to them and sat down next to them, it didn't scare them or surprise them, they just slowly took out their earbuds and looked at me with an confused and annoyed expression.
"Boris. Boris Pavlikovsky." I said reaching out my hand for them to shake.

~Y/N pov~

"Boris. Boris Pavlikovsky." He said as he reached out his hand for me to shake with a smirk.
"Y/n. Y/n Hayashi." I said looking away not bothering to shake his hand, then the potter looking boy came up and sat next to Boris and said
"Theo, Theo Decker" with a small smile. I nodded at him to give him reassurance that I heard him. I had finished my cig and decided to take another one because why the fuck not?
When I grabbed my pack and begun to take one out the tall boy spoke up
"Can I have one Milashka?(cutie)" He asked, I had no idea what the last thing he said was, I just stared at him looking like the bitch I am and handed him a cig, I took out another one and looked at potter basically asking if he wanted one too, he took it.

We sat there smoking for awhile, not a lot was said, until I took out my water bottle.
"What's that?" Boris asked
"Vodka and energy drink." I answered as emotionless as I normally do.
He snatched the bottle from me and took a sip, I hit him in the back of his head and took it back.
"Ouch! Damn that's strong- Thought there was going to be more energy drink then vodka- I was wrong" He slightly giggled.
Kawaikatta (That was cute)
I thought to myself while I looked at his cute smile while he giggled.
I looked away after I realized that I had been looking at him for a couple seconds.
We finished smoking and the bell rung and we went to class.

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