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~Author pov~

Y/n finished their school day and got on the bus home. They got home and decided to watch a movie. When the first movie was finished they decided to get something to eat, a small portion of macaroni and cheese. They sat down and watched a second movie.
Their aunt and uncle wouldn't be home this week so they had the whole house for themselves.
They later went to their room, played some loud music and took some pills to relax a bit.

A couple hours later y/n heard their phone receive a message from someone.


Hi wanna come with
us to 7-11?

Uhmm who's this?

Oh right, It's Boris:)

Aaand how did you get
my number?

Uhm- the internet?

Wanna come with me
and Potter to 7-11 or not?

Hmm.. I don't know.
Why should I?

Do you have anything
better to do Milashka?

Noo.. fine. I'll come
I guess.

Great! See ya there:)

~y/n pov~

Ugh. I met these boys today and they're already up my ass.. Uzai.. (annoying/pain in the ass)
Well I got up from where I laid on my bed and and got my cigs, lighter, bag and phone.
I put on my shoes and a jacket over my flannel and a beanie since it was around 10 and had gotten kinda cold outside, I had also packed a scarf in my bag just incase. I grabbed my skateboard and started skating down the road towards 7-11.

I got there before the boys and decided to smoke while I waited for them. A couple minutes later they arrived and we went inside.
This 7-11 was quite big for being a gas station, I mean I'm not mad about it since the nearest grocery store is like 30 minutes away by skateboard.
I followed the boys through different isles and kept grabbing stuff like candy and snacks in smaller packaging, a pair of cool sunglasses, some pens, a small vodka bottle, etc.

no one noticed.. good hehe

I noticed that Boris and Theo had grabbed some snacks too but it couldn't even compete with all the stuff I got.
I went up to the counter and asked for 2 packs of cigs, the cashier looked at me and asked for ID, I gave him my fake one, he nodded, gave it back and handed me my cigs. I paid and we left the store.

We decided to head to the park with the old playground to sit there and chill for awhile.
When we got there the boys took out their few items each, I looked at them and smirked.
They looked at me confused until I started pulling stuff out of my bra, jacket pockets, pants pockets, sleeves, and lastly my bag.
They looked at me with a combination of shocked, confused and impressed in their faces. I smiled and bowed while they started clapping and laughing.


"Yeah it was fantastic! I didn't even notice!" Boris laughed while swinging his arms around in the air dramatically.
I looked down and laughed then looked back up.
"You get good at many things when you need to do them on a daily basis to survive" I said and laughed a shy and quiet laugh which was unusual for me.
I normally never talked about my time in foster care, especially not the abusive families that I stayed with. To be honest I never talked about my feelings, trauma or anything like that with anyone, except Delilah, she knows some of it.

The two boys looked at me with sympathy in their eyes and I hated when people did that but when I looked at Boris and saw how he looked at me I felt.. seen and heard. Like someone understood me and what I meant. The look he had wasn't the sympathy look of "I feel so bad for you that you had to go through that" it was more a look of "I know. You're safe with me." I'm not sure how to explain it. But it made me feel seen and heard for the first time in years..

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