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‼️A tiny bit nsfw‼️

~y/n pov~

I woke up on Friday morning with a headache, the boys went home late last night after we had done some lsd and watched some movies.

I decided that I would go to school even though I felt like shit.
I started doing my morning routine, shower, makeup, hair, drugs, pack my bags.
I just did my everyday makeup and brushed my hair.
It was pretty hot outside today so I decided to go with low waisted shorts, fishnets, knee high socks, a crop top and flannel. I sent a picture of my outfit to Dehlila as I do every morning.

 I sent a picture of my outfit to Dehlila as I do every morning

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And she approved of it. I grabbed my keys, bag and skateboard and headed out the door towards the bus stop.
I got there and was met with Potter and Boris laughing and smoking. I took off my flannel and put it in my bag before the bus arrived cause it was way too hot to wear it.

~Boris pov~

I saw y/n heading towards us as I looked at what they were wearing.
"Damn- they look fucking hot." I said.
"Who?" Theo asked as he still hadn't noticed y/n.
"Y/n. Fuck-" I mumbled the last part to myself.
They came up to us and lit a cig.
damn, they look so fucking hot while smoking..
We talked for a bit until the bus arrived.
We got on the bus and y/n sat next to the window and I sat next to them. I couldn't keep my eyes off them, I looked down at their thighs while they were on their phone and damn- they always wear such baggy pants that I never noticed how thick they were. Their body was a perfect hourglass shape on the smaller side cause you know, they're short. Perfect sized breasts that could fill out my big hands perfectly, a nice round and bouncy ass, love handles/dimples on their lower back, their thick thighs touching when they sat down and slightly jiggling whenever the bus ran over a bump. Their small hands holding their phone as they were scrolling on instagram, their not to long sharp nails painted black and their plump pink lips slightly parted as their hair fell slightly over their face.
Damn I would love to have those lips around my-
My thoughts were interrupted as the bus had arrived to school and students started to get off.

~y/n pov~

I could feel Boris staring at me the whole bus ride, I just acted like I didn't notice cause if I'm being honest, it was kinda hot.
I would normally get irritated when someone stared at me but when Boris did it, it was hot.
I noticed from time to time during the bus ride how he would lick his lips and slightly bite his lower lip.
Oooyaa he looked so hot when he did that
I noticed how I got slightly flustered but I just ignored it hoping he wouldn't notice.

{Time skip}

It was lunch time now and I had been noticing all day how boys were staring at me in the hallway and in class. Like please, take a picture it lasts longer.
The stares didn't make me uncomfortable or insecure, I knew why they were looking. It just gave me more confidence as I walked through the hallway slightly swinging my hips while I held my head high.

The boys and I decided that we were going to eat in the cafeteria today so I went there to meet up with them after I had put my stuff in my locker.
I met up with the boys and we sat down at an empty table.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Theo asked.
"Uh no, I have my fake water" I answered as I motioned to the water bottle with vodka and energy drink in it. Theo just continued eating but Boris looked at me with concern in his eyes.
We talked a bit while the boys ate when a girl suddenly came up to us.
"Hi I'm Emma! There's a party at Jay's place later today and he told me to invite people sooo, feel free to come if you'd like!" She said with a smile and walked away.
"You guys wanna go?" I asked them
"Parties aren't really my thing.." Theo said
"Come on Potter! It will be fun! We can bring drugs?" Boris said pleading with his friend.
We all agreed to go and that we would meet up at my house before the party since Jay lived down the street from me.

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