Chapter 5: Deals and kidnappings

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"Is this the least revealing thing you have?" Clary asked as she looked in the mirror.

"What? All the naughty tits are covered. A little too much in my opinion." Izzy sighed as she crossed her arms. We were in her room after me and Clary just had a conversation with Hodge, an ex-circle member, who knew mom a long time ago. What we found out: our real family name is Fairchild, mom used to be a member of the circle, mom hid the mortal cup from her maniac kidnapper who is the leader of the circle and his name is Valentine, and now we learnt that the mortal cup can create shadowhunters and controls demons. Pretty normal right? But wait there is more. It seems like Clary's memory has been wiped, and something was telling me it has something to do with all those dentist visits mom used to take Clary, but my sister never remembered them.

I sighed as I was lying on Izzy's bed looking at the ceiling. "Where is Simon?" I heard Clary asking.

"Who?" Izzy questioned and not long after I heard her giggling. "Kidding. He's in good hands with the boys." She informed and I looked at her.

"You mean with Alec and Jace? The grumpy tall intimidating guy and the egocentric flirtatious blondie guy? The ones who gave Simon judgemental looks? Those boys?" I asked her while raising an eyebrow. 

"See? You already know them." Izzy smiled bright as she looked at me.

"Speaking of them..." Clary said and me and Izzy looked at her. "Are you, Alec and Jace like family or something?" She asked and without knowing I found myself smirking knowing what she truly meant with that question.

"Translation. You want to know if there is anything between me and Jace." Izzy said, an amused smirk on her face.

"Why would I care?" Clary tried to deny it.

"Because you do." I sighed and I was able to feel Clary's attention on me.

"Don't worry. In every universe he's like my brother. My parents took Jace in when he was 10. We trained together. Learnt to fights side by side." Izzy explained.

"Great. Now you know you get a chance with the bad boy. You were always a sucker for those kind of guys." I said as I put an arm under my head so I can stay more comfortable.

"I am not!" Clary said offended and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah right. Even you don't believe that." I said smirking while looking at Clary.

"And you?" Izzy asked and I turned to look at her while she was siting on her bed. "What kind of guys are the ones that make you swoon?" Izzy asked with curiosity sparkling in her eyes.

In the corner of my eye I could see Clary smirking while folding her arms. "Well, I don't really know...there are some factors...and you have to take in the persona-" I tried to avoid this until Clary cut me off.

"A guy like Alec." She said and both mine and Izzy's head turned to her. "Mysterious, silent, cold, is not stupid and has good taste in music. I don't know about the music part, but as far as it seems Alec is matching the description." She said while shrugging making Izzy giggle. I scoffed and rolled my eyes at her action.

"Pff. Traitor." I mumbled.

"Don't worry Melody, compared to Jace, Alec it's not so desperate to enter in a relationship, so you don't have that much of a competition." I rolled my eyes at her 'comforting' words and got up.

"Oh the honor." I said as I fixed my outfit and looked at the two. "You two can stay here with all your dreams, but I will get going." I turned but stopped when my sister called me.

"Where are you going?" Clary asked and I smiled.

"The kitchen. I've been here for so long and nobody offered me anything to eat, so I will just serve myself." I said and I walked out of the room. I started to look around the Institute, from Izzy's tour I knew the kitchen was somewhere near. I turned a corner and I was faced with a big door opened that was leading to the place I wanted to find. Bingo.

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