Chapter 16: Loft visit

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"And I am right, once again." Melody said while smirking proudly as she noticed the agitated red head who was standing in front of the Academy of Arts from Brooklyn. She turned and gave Alec a knowing look to which the boy replied by rolling his eyes.

"Let's get her." The raven haired boy said as he started to walk towards the younger Fairchild. Melody sighed at his sour mood and followed him close behind. "What's the point of an invisibility rune if you can't turn off your phone?" Alec asked as he got close to the younger girl, startling Clary in the process.

"Alec." She said and then turned her attention to her sister. "Mels." 

Melody smiled annoyed at her sister while folding her arms. "Hey, little sis." She said. "Funny thing seeing you here when I remember telling you we should not leave the Institute!" Melody scolded and Clary flinched a little at the tone.

"Look, I get it that we might get in trouble..." Clary started.

Alec scoffed at her words. "You really acknowledge that? Very funny." His tone filled with sarcasm as he rolled his eyes.

Clary glared in the boy's direction and then turned to her older sister. "But what if this box we are talking about can lead us to Valentine? What if we actually have a chance to find mom? Don't you want to find her, Mels?" Clary asked with a pleading tone.

Melody looked at her sister. She knew how painful it was for Clary to not know anything about their mother's whereabouts, or if she was safe, or worse...dead. Melody wanted to find their mother too, but she knew she can't act recklessly, because if she was going to make a mistake, she could either get her sister hurt, or be kicked out of the Institute and loose the help of the Shadowhunters.

As if guessing where her mind was going Alec jumped in the conversation. "Melody." He called catching the red haired girl's attention. "No." He deadpanned as he was shacking his head.

"Melody, yes." Clary called making her sister look at her this time.

"Melody, don't you dare." Alec said frustrated making the girl look at him. 

Suddenly Melody felt something grabbing her shoulders and she looked ahead to be met with a pair of pleading green eyes. "Mels..." Clary said softly. "It's mom..." She continued with a pleading tone and her eyes trembling slightly.

Melody closed her eyes making the two wait for her answer with their hearts in their throats. She then opened them and sighed. "Fine, we're going to the loft." Melody announced making Clary jump up and down in excitement as Alec groaned putting his hands in his hair and grabbing slightly at its roots. "But..." Melody continued making both of them stop from what they were doing. "We are going as fast as possible. Enter, get the box, and get back at the Institute." She said seriously looking at Clary and then turned to Alec. "The last thing we need right now is to get in trouble with your mother." She said and then watched both Alec and Clary smile and nod.

Suddenly Melody felt her phone buzzing and when she looked at the ID she sighed. "It's Simon. I need to take it." She said and made a few steps away from the two to talk with the nerdy boy.

Alec watched after her. "Wow, the demon was right, wasn't it?" He heard Clary commenting close to him. He woke up from his thoughts, catching himself starring at the older Fairchild girl.

"What?" He asked surprised.

Clary chuckled as she folded her arms and looked at her sister. "I mean, I'm not surprised she caught your attention and you caught hers. Melody used to charm a lot of guys back in High School, and if I have to look closely at you, you are kind of her type." Clary said smirking.

"I am not- she is not- she didn't- I mean-" Alec cut himself, not knowing what to say about the girl's statement. Clary was waiting for the tall raven haired boy to search for an excuse in his head, giving him a knowing look. "Look, there is nothing between me and her, alright?" Alec said trying to clear things.

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