Chapter 14: Apologies and tutoring

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He needed to apologize to her. That was what Alec was thinking while walking around the Institute hallways. He thought all night about what Magnus told him, and even if he hated to admit it, he really saw the girls as criminals because of their father's doings. So, today he decided to apologize to the person he wronged the most.

Of course, the task would have been much easier if he knew where the eldest Fairchild sister was. She wasn't in her room, and unfortunately, she wasn't in the kitchen either. Alec sighed as he passed the training room, but an idea rose into his head when he spotted Clary with his sister. At least the little troublemaker must have some idea about her sister's whereabouts, right?

"Clary. Wait a minute." Alec called as he walked after the girls. Izzy and Clary stopped and turned around when they heard Alec calling.

"Alec." Clary greeted.

"Did something happened?" Izzy asked her brother curious. He looked out of breath and quite desperate.

Alec stopped in front of them and looked at the redhead. "Do you have any idea where your sister can be?" 

Clary and Izzy looked at each other and then back at Alec, a little surprised over the fact he was searching for Melody. "Um, I don't know for sure. I haven't seen her this morning." Clary informed.

"I saw her." Izzy announced and that caught both Alec's and Clary's attention. 

"You saw her? Where?" Alec asked.

"Walking around the Institute. She actually asked me about the library." Izzy informed. Not long after she finished that sentence, both Clary and Izzy were witnessing the sight of Alec's face changing from a frown to an excited expression when the man finally found out where the girl was.

"Thanks." Alec said quickly and left as fast as he could.

"Did I just saw Alec excited over the fact he found out where Melody was?" Clary asked pointing to the man that was running to where she thought was the direction of the library.

"I am as surprised and shocked as you are." Izzy said as she too kept her eyes on the running figure of her brother.

Alec soon entered the library and started to look around it. He passed shelves with different types of books and soon arrived in the middle of the room, where tables were put. At one of them was seated the redhaired girl he was searching for all morning. She was wearing a baby blue sweater with black jeans and her red hair was caught in a high ponytail while focusing on the book in front of her. 

Alec felt his heart beating as his eyes finally land on her figure and suddenly, he felt anxious. What was he going to say? How should he apologize? Was just saying 'sorry' enough for all the rude things he said about her and her sister? Alec knew how protective Melody can get over Clary and that mundane friend of theirs. Will she forgive him after he insulted them? 

In that moment, the idea of speaking to Melody sounded like a really bad one. Like a really really bad idea. He tried to make an escape, hoping for Melody to not spot him, but as he was walking backwards, he happened to hit the corner of a table. Some of the books on it were about to fall but he quickly caught them and put them back. 

He was relieved that the books didn't make that much of a sound and maybe Melody didn't notice him, but when he looked again in the direction of the girl, she was already looking straight at him.

"Alec?" She asked confused as she saw him there.

"Melody! Hi." Alec said as he put the books on the table.

"What are you doing here?" She asked while tilting her head to the side. The little strands of hair that were framing her face moving from side to side.

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