Chapter 10: A party outfit might cause troubles

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"I don't get it why are you fussing around me like that. It's just a party. And you know I hate parties." Alec complained as he watched his sister looking around his closet for a good outfit.

"Yeah. I know that." Izzy hummed as she nodded while looking at two shirts. Alec then rolled his eyes.

"Then why are you making such a big deal out of it?" He asked standing up and walking to his sister. "Even if I wear black, blue or any other color... it's just a mission. Besides, we shouldn't stand out." Alec commented as Izzy put a shirt in front of him.

"And that's why you should dress up. If you go undressed, you will only look sus." Izzy said smirking looking at him before turning her attention to the shirt. "Besides, it wouldn't hurt to try and impress a girl tonight. Maybe a redhead." Izzy said smirking.

Alec groaned. "Why would I try to impress Melody?"  Alec asked raising his eyebrows in question.

"I never said which redhead I was talking about." Izzy said teasingly but Alec just rolled his eyes.

"It was pretty obvious." Alec commented and took the shirt from her hands. "And impressing a girl should be the last of my problems tonight." He said taking his black shirt off as Izzy walked to his bed to sit on it.

"I don't know. It might be something fun." Izzy said checking her nails.

"Only you would be able to think like that." Alec said as he was putting his dark blue shirt on.

"Just think about it. Before Melody and Clary appeared all we used to do was sleep, eat, hunt, repeat. We were basically living by a routine, and I don't know about you but it kind of bored me to death. Now with the Fairchilds around, I feel like things finally got more exciting." Izzy said smiling wide.

"Oh I bet. And imagine how exciting it will be after the Clave, mom and dad find out about all the unsanctioned missions. Especially this one." Alec said putting his shirt back in his closet.

Izzy rolled her eyes. "You need to get laid." She commented. "Good thing that not so far from your room is living a very charming and sexy redhead, that might be able to help you with your temper." Izzy said as she got up and walked to the door. Right before she went out she stopped and looked back at her brother, giving him a teasing smirk. "Trust me. Melody's outfit is to die for." She winked and with that she was out.

Alec frowned as he looked at the spot his sister was just a few seconds ago. Him and Melody? Yeah right. When the Angel Raziel will decide to come on earth again, that's when he and Valentine's daughter will ever be a thing. 

With that in mind, Alec took his stele and phone, and walked out of his room. Just when he turned to walk on the hallway, his eyes widened at the sight in front of him.

 Just when he turned to walk on the hallway, his eyes widened at the sight in front of him

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It was Melody. Walking down the hall. Her hair was caught into a ponytail and she was wearing a black dress with bare back and high heels boots. A thing triggered something in Alec, and for a moment the man started to feel uncomfortable. His eyes were glued to her figure, mostly on her dress. After a few seconds he realized that the dress was short. Too short in his opinion.

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