Chapter 18: Friends?

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Alec wasn't able to leave her side. Ever since Magnus healed her wounds, changed her bandages and put her on a comfortable bed, Alec wasn't able to move or get out of that room. He wasn't able to allow himself to leave her side once again. Maybe he was paranoic for thinking that a werewolf would try and barge in the apartment of the High Warlock of Brooklyn and kidnap her again, but Alec wasn't going to take any risks now.

He couldn't forgive himself for the mistake he made that day. Leaving the girls he was meant to protect and supervise alone to defend themselves. Letting his guard down.

He made so many mistakes in this mission, and in the end, the one who had to pay for all of them was Melody. Alec put his elbows on his knees as he run his hands through his hair and then looked at the red haired girl, hoping for any change in her facial expression or at least any movement, but it never happened. She was still. Sleeping and healing.

He sighed as he stood up, walking around the room for what might have been the thousands time. He looked around the room and his eyes suddenly fell on Melody's bag he took with them. He grabbed it and opened it, just to find the box she took from her loft.

Alec looked at the box and then at Melody, as if checking if she is looking at him, or if he was caught doing something he shouldn't. However, curiosity took the best of him, and Alec opened the box to be welcomed with a lot of stuff.

He picked up a black mic, a guitar pick, papers with songs written on them, notebooks and photos. Alec picked up the photos and started to look through them. Seeing the younger version of Melody was a whole new level of weird to him. She was different from how she looked now.

Back then, her hair was longer, and she used to wear it a lot in two high buns or a high ponytail. She used to dress more colorful and also sporty. Now, Melody's hair was in either a low ponytail or just let down, barely reaching her shoulders. She have two piercings now in her right ear and a tattoo of a star behind her left ear. Even her style changed a little.

Alec knew that something might have happened to her. Maybe her family? Maybe something about Magnus and her memories? The list could go on about the things Alec wondered about the girl that was sleeping in front of him. His eyes then landed on a photo she held back at the loft. Her and a guy, holding each other while kissing.

"Who is he?" He asked himself as he looked at the back of the photo to notice some initials. "NS+MF?" He asked himself confused. Something about those initials was familiar until Alec's eyes widened in realization.

"How could we forget the wedding between Melody Fairchild and her once true love, Nathaniel Stone?"

Simon's voice was heard in Alec's head as the flashback of the initials surrounded by a heart on the wall of the loft flashed before the boy's eyes. Alec looked at the photo once again and he sighed. 

The fact she never mentioned Nathaniel. When the guy was mentioned she was tense and she avoided the subject. Plus, if he was the so called Melody's true love, shouldn't he be her boyfriend? And if he was her boyfriend, shouldn't he at least be as worried as Simon was about Clary? And the fact there are no other pictures of Melody having short hair, and also be with him, maybe this was the sign that is telling him they broke up and Melody decided to burry Nathaniel in the past.

Alec looked at Melody, seeing her maybe with another palette of colors. First he learned she used to do fights. Now, that she used to have a boyfriend and they broke up, he was able to see that she actually lived as a mundane. Having problems like them. Going to school, having true teenager problems and dreams. 

He sighed as he gathered all the photos and put them in the box. His eyes then drifting towards a scarlet red covered book. He looked at it confused and picked it up, opening it slowly before he realized he was reading a diary.

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