Chapter 7: Funeral gift

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"Why are Shadowhunters weapons in a church graveyard?" Clary asked confused as she, Izzy, Alec, Jace and Melody walked on the sacred soil. The group decided that they can't wait for the Clave to solve Simon's kidnapping, so they took the matter in their own hands. However, for going against a whole clan of vampires they needed weapons, and that was the main reason they were in that graveyard.

"Cause all of the ancient religions recognize demons. Or at least they used to." Izzy said smiling while looking around for the gravestone they were searching for.

"They have forgotten about the threat and who used to protect them. Typical mundane failure imagination." Alec continued and Izzy chuckled.

"Are you saying we are too good at our job?" She raised her eyebrows in question while giving her brother a playful smile.

"You know what? Alec, go check up by the angel." Jace demanded and Alec obeyed. While Jace was explaining some things to Clary, Izzy noticed the other Fairchild's behavior. 

Ever since they found out Valentine was their father, who was supposed to be dead, Melody was like a ghost. She was saying nothing and was always looking in the abys, lost in thoughts.

"Hey, you alright?" Izzy asked as she put an hand on the redhead's shoulder making her wake up from her daze. Melody looked up and after seeing Izzy's warm smile she just gave a weak smile and a nod. "You know, just because Valentine it's your father, that doesn't change who you are." Izzy tried to comfort her. Melody sighed and nodded once again.

"Thanks, Izzy. It's just...I never imagined my father to be this kind of person. But not everything is as you dream it to be, right?" Melody asked and Izzy gave a sad smile. She raised her hand and put a strand of Melody's hair behind her ear.

"No, it's not. But just so you know, if you have another break down or if you feel again like everything it's too much for you...I'm here for you." Izzy said. Suddenly her phone ringed and when she took it out, a wide smile appeared on her face as she read the message she received. "Excellent. He's home. I'm out of here." Izzy said smirking as she started to walk away.

"Wait what? Where are you going?" Melody asked confused as the others watched Izzy. 

"To find out how to get inside the vampire's lair." Izzy announced and with that she was gone. 

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Jace commented.

"Jace! Over here!" Alec called and the blonde walked over. Clary walked to her sister and when Melody saw her, she just sighed.

"You ok?" Clary asked worried, at which Melody scoffed.

"Do I look ok to you?" She snapped and Clary was a little taken aback by her behavior.

"No. Sorry I just..." Clary tried to say but after seeing her sister's look she felt like turning to stone. "I never thought this will happen." 

Melody scoffed and rolled her eyes, laughing bitterly. "That's right Clary. You never think of the consequences of your actions. You don't think what might or what might not happen, because you are too busy to think only about mom. Well, look where that has gotten us." Melody said as she started to walk, Clary following behind.

"Hey, you know he is my father too. So you don't need to act so hurt." Clary commented and Melody stopped and turned to her sister.

"You know I wouldn't be so hurt if you just listened to me." Melody said and Clary just scoffed.

"You're being dramatic." She said while folding her arms.

"Easy for you to say, when you were mom's favorite, and everything went great in your life. You never felt like you needed the other parent." Melody commented and Clary raised her eyebrows surprised.

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