Chapter 6

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Cassandra had been let out of the infirmary a little later than she would have expected for a minor concussion.  Apparently there was a technicality that wasn't exactly explained to her.  Frankly, she didn't care.  It did give her some time off school, but it did mean she had been stuck in the infirmary far too long to keep her sanity.

Despite being the introvert, she was really grateful for Rapunzel and even Eugene stopping by all the time to check up on her.  Did Rapunzel annoy her with trying to do everything for her? Yes.  Was Eugene a jerk and all around idiot?  The answer was always yes.  That didn't mean she didn't appreciate the effort Rapunzel put into them, even if she was constantly one breath away from screaming at times.

Perhaps it was because she simply wasn't used to someone caring about her.  Not at home at least.  She grew up with her mother, not knowing who her muggle father was.  Her mother, Gothel, wasn't the nurturing type.  She was judgemental and narcissistic, constantly gaslighting her.

Cassandra found herself lucky that she realized that the treatment her mother gave her continuously was not normal.  After spending Christmas break in second year, Cassandra usually spent them at her best friend's mansion.  It was the only place that she had ever found an enjoyable holiday, but maybe that was because she wasn't under the constant nagging and insults thrown at her by mother.

It didn't mean that she didn't love her mother either.  In fact, that's what made the emotional wounds so deep.  Whenever her mother manipulated or mistreated her, it hurt.  Like a stab in the chest and a twist of the blade.  It was excruciating.  Of course the pain eventually began to dull as time went on and it was a lot harder to penetrate her armor.  Yet something always made her stay, something with in herself.  She would never know or understand the reasons to why, but she always ended up right back together as a family.  As much of a family that it could be called.

"Cass, are you ok?"

Cassandra was ripped from her train of thought by Rapunzel's voice.  She looked at her friend who was sitting next to her. Rapunzel often sat at the Gryffindor table with her and Eugene.


"Are you ok?  You were phasing out.  Do you have a headache?"

"Oh.  A little, but I was just thinking.  I'm fine, Raps."

"You've been picking at your food," the blonde added.

Glancing at her plate, Cassandra shrugged.  "Just not in the mood this morning.  Trust me, Raps.  I'm ok.  You don't have to be mother hen all the time." She passed her friend a smirk, which Rapunzel returned with a small grin.

"I'm trying to figure out why they sent the flamingo," Eugene retorted, cutting in the conversation.

Cassandra looked in the direction he was.  She snorted back a laugh, realizing that he must have been talking about Umbridge.  The woman was the only one in pink.  She was wearing nothing other than the soft pinks, as if trying to gain an innocent look.  It almost worked.  The seventh year had heard many stories from the kids of the Ministry members.  None of them seemed to really impressed by the woman.

The woman suddenly got up from her seat at the teacher's table.  She whispered something to Dumbledore, who only stared at her for a moment.  The he begrudgingly looked to the sea of students and asked for their attention.  The room went silent and the Headmaster nodded to Umbridge.

"Thank you, Headmaster," she said as she walked in front of the tables. "Now, how are we all today?  I thought I would just a few words.  Now I'm here on the Ministry of Magic's bequest, under Educational Decree twenty-two.  We were alerted about the situation that took place a week ago during a Quidditch game.  And it caused a disturbance and a rational cause of concern."

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