Chapter 9

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Sorry, this chapter isn't my best, and sorry for the delay. These past few days have been hectic in more ways than one. So this is the best I got. I'll try to get back on the daily schedule, which might change. Also, this chapter is ever so slightly shorter than the rest, but not by much. Thank you for your patience. :)

(I might publish tomorrow, I might not.  Idk yet)


Ginny scooped a forkful of her lunch into her mouth. Her friends were chatting, but her mind had wondered elsewhere. The girl's eyes scanned the room, only resting when finding Varian. He was reading a book while eating. She couldn't say that she was surprised that he was. He wasn't big on socializing from what she did know about him.

"Ginny... Gin!"

"Huh?" She looked Hermione.

"Were you even listening?"

"As a matter of fact, no. No I wasn't. What did I miss."

"It doesn't actually matter. What has you distracted?" Hermione looked in the direction where she was looking.

"Nothing. Was just thinking."

"You've been awfully distracted lately," Ron said as he took a bite out of a chicken leg.

"Well, let's put it this way. Have you ever spent a long thinking one thing about a person, but then you realize your assumption was actually wrong. Then you're left wondering how you feel about them?"

"Uh... No... Can't say I have..." Ron shrugged.

"That's oddly specific. What's bothering you. Or, well, who?" Hermione inquired.

Ginny merely shrugged like her older brother. "I was just curious. I can have deep questions to ponder on."

"But that's a question you would ask from experience," Harry pointed out. "I mean, I could be wrong, but it just seems like a weird question to think about out of the blue."

The red head suddenly let out a laugh as she stood up. "You all are far too serious." The golden trio passed her an odd look, but she ignored it. "I'll see you after classes." She turned and began to walk away.


Hermione sat down next to Ginny with a stack of books. Both the girls looked across the table to look directly in both Ron's and Harry's eyes.

"Are you ready?" Hermione asked.

"You're about to start whether we want to or not," Ron muttered.

"Glad you're finally catching on, Ron." She smirked and he rolled his eyes. "So what are you having the most trouble with. Potions? DADA? Name it and we'll start with that."

"All of it," Harry and Ron said in unison.

"But Umbridge's class is the absolute worst!"

"Then we'll start with DADA," Hermione replied. "Are you cool with that, Ginny?"

"That's where I'm struggling. I know I'm not the smartest girl in Hogwarts, but I would say these textbooks feel so watered down. They aren't much help for the class in general."

"Believe it or not, I absolutely agree with you. Even I'm questioning if I'm going to keep my perfect grade."

"The only person who seems to not be struggling is Varian," Ginny said.

"Who?" Ron raised a brow.

"The guy I accidentally flew into? His rib is still healing."

"Oh. The Slytherin Pet."

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