Chapter 5

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Varian flipped the page to a book that Eugene had brought over. At first, he was a little skeptical at the thought of reading a book meant for a younger audience, but anything was better than being bored. So he opened the white book with a golden trim titled 'The Tales of Flynnigan Rider', and was surprised to find that he was actually immersed with the story. So much so that he didn't even notice that his parents had entered the infirmary.

"Hey, kiddo. How are you doing?"

Varian's head shot to the direction of the soft voice. He grinned, setting his book down. "Hey, Mom. Hi, Dad."

"How bad is it?" His mother, Ulla, insisted.

"I've had worse," he replied. "It's only fractured by a hairline. It felt worse in the moment."

"What happened? I know the school was attacked," his father, Quirin began.

"I got hit with a broom. One of the Gryffindor Quidditch players flew into me. I think their broom was hit by a spell that caused the accident. At least that's what we pieced together."

"Would you like me to have them pack your things for you now, or would you want to leave now and have them send your stuff?" Ulla asked.

"Wait, what?" Varian looked at his mother in shock.

"Well, you did just experience a terrorist attack," Ulla began.

"But we're only two weeks in school."

Quirin set a hand on his wife's shoulder. "If Varian prefers to stay..."

"Hey, someone basically blew up half the Quidditch Stadium. Who says where it will happen next and that there won't be casualties next time?" Ulla pointed out. "One student already died last year from an incident."

"Every school deals with these kind of situations at some point," Varian said.


"Ulla, the Ministry is coming in to handle the situation and offer a safer environment," Quirin said.

"The Ministry?" Varian repeated. Apparently, being stuck in an infirmary meant he was not up to date with the current events. "It was bad enough that Ministry got involved?"

"There was a lot of property damage and over twenty students injured," Ulla explained.

"It almost feels like it wasn't directly an attack, just man spread chaos."

His mother nodded. "If you change your mind and you feel unsafe, your father and I will come pick you up and take you home. All you have to do is send an owl."

"I can stay?" Varian brightened up a little.

"For now," Ulla sighed.

"Thank you." He passed her a smiled.


McGonagall sipped quietly on her tea. She was doing her best to keep her emotions in check, for she was simmering with anger and annoyance. When Dumbledore got word that Ministry would be handling the Hogwarts situation, a sinking feeling overwhelmed her. But she could deal with the Ministry as much of a pain they were. It was the list of the names who would be overseeing the classes that really put her in for the loop.

She could handle Percy. If anything, she would actually enjoy his presence even if she didn't agree with the Ministry. He was still a Weasely and one of her former Gryffindor students. It would be hard not to be a little proud of how far he had come despite their differences. Although, she was certain that there was bound to be drama from his return. She understood that, but she believed she could manage that.

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