Chapter 3

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"It's the first game of Quidditch!" Ginny practically squealed with excitement.

Cassandra smirked a little as she pulled on her own red robe. "What's with that much excitement?" She chuckled. "You've been doing it for years now."

"But that doesn't make it any less exciting," Ginny insisted.

"It's time to go out," Harry interrupted.

"Are you ready?" Cassandra asked Ginny as she grabbed her broom.

"Pfft! I was born ready!" The red head ran out of the room and Cassandra had to briskly walk in order to follow her out.

The rush of wind in her hair was everything when the game started. She gripped her broom tightly, but not so tightly that she would be stiff. After years of flying, she had learned to trust the broom. As cliche as it sounded, becoming one with the broom was a motto many Quidditch players used. The broom wasn't an object that assisted them, it was a part of them.

Playing Quidditch was when Cassandra felt the most alive. Whether it was a game or just practice. Some could say that it was her hobby, but, frankly, she found it to be her passion. What she wanted to do with her life. Perhaps one day she could actually make it into the professional teams.

She should have been more aware of her surroundings. Hyper focussing on the game always helped her. She would block out the cheering crowd and forget that she was being watched. But today, all the players suddenly stopped. Taking her broom into a hover, she looked around. Did someone get hurt?

The crowd was screaming in panic, running. A sinking feeling gripped in her stomach, feeling deja vu when Cedric died. Only, something far more tragic by the reactions.

That was when a spell was shot in their direction. Cassandra managed to dodge but it hit Ginny's broom. The younger girl screamed as she was suddenly zipped straight into the crowd, crashing. Cassandra moved to fly after her, but she felt something hit her in the chest. Her and her broom spun out of control until her back hit something. She fell and a black slime began to ooze into her vision. At least that's what it felt like. Blinking, her ears rang and she found that she couldn't hear anything else. Consciousness did not stay long, leaving her in total darkness.


Varian was walking his way towards the Slytherin seats. The crowd was large, but he wasn't really paying much attention. He waited patiently, squeezing his way through the people, all while keeping his eyes glued to his book on ancient spells. At least, he was until someone stepped back and knocked the book out of his hand.

The figure who had committed the crime turned to him. "Ah, Varian."

The teen paused, taken by surprise. "Mr. Malfoy."

Lucius bent down and picked up his book, looking it over. Then he looked back up, passing a small smirk. "Haven't changed a bit, I see."

"No sir, I haven't." Varian gripped the strap to his bag tightly. There was something about Lucius that always made him grow stiff and nervous.

"Perhaps you should keep a better eye on where you're going, hmm?"

"Err... Yes, sir..." The boy felt his face grow red, which made him feel embarrassed. That didn't help the growing redness any.

The man slipped the book back in Varian's bag, making the bag feel oddly heavier than he anticipated. Lucius Malfoy passed him a nod before turning to go to his own seat. No doubt the best one in all the arena.

Not bothering to pull out his book again in order to not make the same mistake twice, he pushed his way towards the Slytherin seats. He found a vacant spot near the back where he happily sat down. Just in time too. Leaning back, he watched as the game began to start.

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