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ME AND THE TBP CAST were all in a car on the way to the beach. miguel was sitting in the middle between me and mason because i didn't wanna sit next to mason. not after what he did. he went through my phone? like what!

"hey sky?" maddy said looking at me

"yea?" i said

"are you okay..? you've been really quit since we left" she said as mason turned to look at me

"yea skylar you okay?" becca asked

"yea i'm fine just uh not feeling to good right now!" i said lying to both of the girls

"if your not feeling good we can turn back?" brady said

"oh no it's ok!" i said

"okay!" brady said

i looked out the window trying not to look at mason because he was looking at me

sky cmon please talk to me.
i'm sorry
please i'm so so sorry
sky please
i'm not gonna stop texting you until you respond
please sky
ml please
sky cmon please
just say something!
i know your reading
my messages.


finally you answer!
can we please talk?
when we get to the beach?


WE FINALLY arrived at the beach. we all got off the car. i saw as mason went to were i was

"hey.." he said looking at me

"sup." i said not even looking at him.

"look sky. i'm sorry i really am. the reason i went through ur phone was because honestly i hate dylan and sometimes i feel like he's just gonna take you away from me. i really love you sky like i've never felt this way before. and i know i screwed everything up by going through ur phone but i just don't know what got into me i just needed to see what you meant by when you said dylan was acting different then i come to find out he likes you? and you didn't tell me. i guess i just thought maybe he was gonna steal you.." mason said looking at the floor

i grabbed mason's face softly making him look at me

"mason.. what you did was bad. you shouldn't go through my phone without telling me! and i know i should've told you about what dylan had said but i thought it didn't really matter anymore so i guess i didn't. and you should never think dylan would steal me away from you because i love you mason only you. not dylan. you mason thames" i said smiling at him softly

mason looked at me and kissed me

"i'm so so sorry i promise to never go through ur phone ever..." he said smiling at me

"okay good.." i said

"so we're good..?"

"yes mason" i said

"LETS GOOOO SKASON IS BACK WOOOOO" miguel shouted making me and mason jump

"MIGUEL WHERE DID U COME FROM..." i said hitting him playfully

"did you guys not see me? i was literally standing right here the whole time..?" miguel said

"what the fuck..." mason said laughing

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