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so me and mason have a prank war going on so why not do a fake hickey prank on him?😇

i texted mason a few minutes ago asking if he wanted go come over

hey ml!
wanna come over?

mason ml🤎🫶🏻:
yea sure!
i'll be there in abt
20 minutes?

okay see you
in a bit!
mason🤎🫶🏻 liked this message

i quickly ran up to my room getting out make up and applying it on my neck making it look like a hickey

"what the fuck are you doing?" i heard someone say

"holy fuck! milo you scared
me. and im just making a fake hickey on my neck" i said looking at him as he looked at me confused

"uhm... okay.. well me and meg are leaving so no funny business okay?" he said acting like a dad

"yea yea okay bye milo! tell meg i love her!" i said

"okay bye! be safe!" he said walking out my room

about 10 minutes later i looked down at my phone to see a message from mason saying he was here i quickly covered the hickey up with my hair as i ran downstairs to open the door for mason. as soon as i got to the door i opened it

"hi ml! sorry i took long i wanted to grab you some chips and snacks to maybe watch a movie later!" he said as he hugged me


"aww thank you!" i said kissing him

"lets go to ur room and watch youtube?" he asked

"yea sure cmon!" i said grabbing his arm taking him upstairs

after about a minutes of walking up the stairs because mason kept falling we made it to my room. i opened the door and walked over to my bed and lied down as mason did the same

i was thinking of putting something on the tv and then moving my hair so he can see the hickey

"okay what should we watch?" he said as he grabbed the control

"uhm i'll put something!" i said snatching the control from him playfully

"okay" he said as he smiled at me

i started typing something as i moved my hair so mason could see the hickey. i could feel his eyes on me.

"skylar." he said. shit full name

"yea? whats up?" i said looking at him

"what the fuck is on ur neck?" he said

"uhm.. huh..? what- what are you talking about?" i said acting confused

"don't act fucking stupid skylar?! there's a fucking hickey on ur neck?" he said getting up from the bed

"mas- "

"who fucking did that?! why is that on your neck skylar!" he said as his eyes started watering

"mason... im sorry ok? im not telling you who did it. just know im sorry" i said coming closer to him

"are you FUCKING kidding me right now?" he said getting angry

"fuck this. and fuck YOU" he said walking out the room


"MASON WAIT" i said going after him

"leave me alone" he said


he quickly turned around to look at me


"YES IM SORRY...?" I said

"stop with these pranks!" he said coming up to me

"honestly these pranks are gonna be the death of me. now go wash that make up off before someone thinks its real!" he said laughing at me

i kissed him before running to my room getting makeup remover and taking it off

"there its all off!" i said smiling

"don't smile at me im mad at you." he said looking away from me

"oh cmon! im sorry i really am" i said as he looked at me

"nope" he said

"whatever you dork" i said laughing at him as he looked at me and gasped

"oh im a dork now?! how rude!" he said acting like a baby

"oh shut up thames" i said

"whatever donnelly"


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