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I WAS ON SET with griffin

"bro i have a bad feeling about that shayla girl." i said

"i know. i don't like her and i don't even know her" griffin said

"yea same. but anyways how's it going with you and beccaaaa" i said causing his face to go RED ASF

"u-uh good!" he said smiling really really big.

"jeez you must be in love with her because of that huge grin you have on ur face!" i said causing us both to laugh

"yea yes whateverrrr. have you texted mason?"

"nope. and i'm not going to. he can go talk to shayla" i said

"oh look mason's calling me" griffin said showing me his phone

"don't re-" before i could finish my sentence he answered it

"yo mason!" griffin said

"hey. have you talked to sky? i texted her and she doesn't respond" he said

"go talk to shayla mason." i said before walking away. i know i'm probably overreacting but i just don't like shayla. she called mason "mase" which everyone knows is my nickname for mason. and he let her call him that?

i sat down outside on a chair when my phone started ringing

hey sky! wanted to let yk
i can't hang out today.
i'm hanging with shayla

are u fr?
mason i had a whole
date planned out
for us. but whatever.
have fun with fucking

i'm really sorry
i'll make it up to you

whatever screw off

i felt like crying. now he's ditching me for her?


"hi jac!" i said

"hi sky! i was wondering if you wanted to hang out later? yk go to our usual spot!" jacob said

"i was gonna hang out with mason but i'll hang out with you!" i said smiling at him

"okay bet i'll pick you up at 5?" he said

"yea! i'll call you later i gotta get back to work" i said

"okay! bye!" he said before hanging up i put my phone in my pocket and went back in side

"hey you ok?" peyton one of the girls i worked with asked

"yea thanks for asking pey!" i said giving her a smile

"yea of course! by the way ur supposed to be shooting the scene with griffin in about 2 minutes?" she said

"yea i'm on my way over there right now!" i said laughing

"okay good luck!" she said before walking our separate ways

"there you are! you and griffin need to do just one more kissing scene" the producer said

"yea i know!" i said

"okay get in to ur places" our producer told me and griffin

"layla i don't know what to do. i'm scared of kenny i hate to admit it but it's true!" griffin said

"hey anthony can we stop talking about kenny? he's all you've been talking about i get it ur scared of him!" i said

"but it's just-" before he could finish i kissed him

"jeez will you shut up?" i said

"uh- yea sorry" he said flustered

"AND CUT! amazing job guys! that's it for today" the producer said

"okay! hey wanna hang out?" griffin asked as we walked off

"shoot i can't i'm hanging with jacob! ask becca to hang out" i said giving him a smirk

"jacob? and idk i'm to scared to ask her" he said

"do ittttt! but hey i'll see you tomorrow ok? i gotta get going!" i said giving him a hug

"have fun with jacobbbb"

"yea yea shut up! now goodbyeee" i said




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@SKYDONNELLY: golfing with @THEJACOBMORAN can't even lie i did amazing with the pictures jacob 🐣

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@SKYDONNELLY: golfing with @THEJACOBMORAN can't even lie i did amazing with the pictures jacob 🐣


@SHAYLAMOORON:i thought you were dating mason? looks like i have a chance
^@THEJACOBMORAN:bro looks like i have a chance with sky?
@SKYDONNELLY:mason wtf?


@SKASONSHIPPER:bro don't tell me skasons over

@GRIFFINSANTOPIETRO:one hit away from hitting mason.

@BECCAFCLARKE:get with jacob👍🏻

@MADELEINEMCGRAW:mason bro wtf

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