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sky's pov

i was currently at my best friends house becca with my other friend maddy

"SKYLAR OMG" becca said jumping up from her bed

"WHAT? WHATS GOING ON" i said panicking

"we should prank mason" she said

"OOOO YES. how tho?" i said

"well we know he's with the boys right now soo uhh how about me and becca say ur talking to another boy?" maddy says

"ooo yesss" becca says

"guys i don't know..." i said

"cmon it'll be fun!!" madeleine says

"ok ok fine!" i say

"okay madeleine u call him!" becca says

"okay!" madeleine says as she starts calling mason

my heart is beating so fast rn.

"i'm scared" i said

"don't be" becca says

"hey mads what's up?" mason says

"oh fuck" i whispered

"uhm.. mason we gotta tell you something" maddy says

"what?" mason says confused

"skylar... she's uh" maddy says

"skylar? what is she okay? did something happen?" mason says worried

"no but mason she's talking to another boy" becca says

i looked at them because mason hasn't said anything after a few seconds we heard the phone hang up

"OH DAM" becca says

"guys omg. mason probably thinks i'm a cheater." i said really worried

"text him! we were just joking" maddy says

"yea ok" i say getting my phone and pressing masons contac

read at 3:45 pm
read at 3:47

"HE WONT ANSWER" i said worried

"OH FUCK" becca says

"BAD IDEA" maddy says


i was currently at my friend tristan's house along with brady jacob and miguel we were all eating pizza and talking when my phone started

"ooo it's probably his girlfriend skyyyyy" jacob said laughing

"shut up!" i said playfully

i looked at my phone to see who was calling me


"oh it's madeleine?" i said

"well answer?" miguel says

i answered and put it on speaker

"hey mads what's up?" i said

"uhm mason we gotta tell you something.." maddy says

"what?" i said looking up at the boys confused

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