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𝑆𝑘𝑦'𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑣

most of the black phone cast decided it would be a good idea to all hang out at my house and watch movies. it was currently 5:00 everyone would get here at 6. right now at my house it was me,becca and bodhi. becca came over to help me set up everything and bodhi was spending the week at my house

"so has mason made a move yet?" becca asked as she smirked at me

"no.. i mean not that i want him to because i obviously don't!" i said nervously

"she's lying. mason is all the girl ever talks about. it's quit annoying but funny seeing how in love she is with mason" bodhi said laughing

"not true! i'm not in love with mason!" i said lying

"oh please you've liked mason ever since you first saw him. then you fell in love with him!" becca said

"i'm not in love! maybe i used to be but not anymore!" i said

"oh look mason texted you sky" bodhi said making me turn his way

"really?!" i asked with a huge grin

"SHE IS IN LOVEEEE i mean look at the way she grinned!!" becca said making fun of me

"okay! maybe i am whatever." i said laughing

"it's 6 everyone should be here by now" bodhi said. just as there was a knock which i ran to open the door

"TRISTAN!!" i said as i saw him

"MY CHILDDDD" he said while hugging me

"you mean our child!" brady said pushing tristan and giving me hug

"once again. IM NOT UR CHILD" i said laughing at them

"SKYYY" i heard a voice which was maddy's

"MADDYYYYY" i said giving her a hug

"hiiii!! jacob's not coming he called and said he can't! so we're only missing mikey and mason" maddy said with a smile

"okay!!" i said as a boy came and hugged be from behind and covered my eyes

"guess who?" i heard a voice which belonged to masons

"hmm miguel?!" i said joking

"really?!" he said disappointed

"i'm kidding i know it's you mase!" i said turning around giving him a hug

"oh yea just forget i'm here"  miguel said rolling his eyes

"hi mikey!" i said as i hugged him


"okay! but what movie?" i asked

"corpse bride"


"harry potter"

"uhm how about we just watch the black phone?" tristan joked

"actually yea i'm down" i said

"same" everyone said

we all sat down. i sat down next to mason and grabbed the control i saw mason looking at me as i put the movie on

"staring is rude mason." i whispered to him as i saw his cheeks go red

"me staring? in your dreams donnelly." he said making butterflies in my stomach

"i saw you staring no need to lie thames." i said

"okay maybe i was staring? do you have a problem with that?" he said smirking at me

"no i don't." i said smiling at him as i rested my head on his shoulder

"hey sky.. can we talk for a minute?" mason asked

"yea sure!" we both got up

"hey guys mason needs to talk so we'll be back ok?!" i said to everyone

"no making out!" miguel said

"miguel shut up!" mason said as he grabbed my hand and took me outside

"so what did you wanna-" before i could finish mason pulled me in and kissed me?

"uh mason.." i said

"omg i'm so sorry" mason apologized

"hey it's okay don't worry.. i kinda liked it" i said smiling

"look sky ever since we broke up i can't stop thinking about you. and i'm so sorry for hurting you i completely know it was my fault. i'm so so sorry but sky i still love you and i never stopped loving you." he said

"i never stopped loving you either mason" i said smiling as mason kissed me

"I KNEW IT YOU GUYS WERE MAKING OUT!" miguel said as me and mason jumped

"this is giving me deja vu" i said

"why?" mason and miguel asked

"first time me and mason kissed miguel you came out of no where now look it happened again!" i said laughing

"oh yea!! i swear i need to stop finding you guys. it's scary." miguel said laughing

"wait does this mean skason is back" miguel said as me and mason looked at each other

"yes miguel skason is back" mason said as he grabbed my hand

"GUYS OMGOMGOMG" miguel said running in as we ran after him

"SKASON IS BACKKKKK" he said jumping as everyone looked at us


"it was pretty obvious?" i said laughing to becca.

everything is finally good now. me and mason are now officially together again.

horrible ending.
do you guys want me to make a second book for this book?😭

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