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I WAS CURRENTLY getting ready for a day at the beach with tbp cast! mason had came over a while ago now he was just watching me do my make up

"skyyyyy hurry up! i wanna cuddle before we go!" he said as he whined

"mason! we cuddled when you got here?! i'm almost done!" i said laughing at him

"YOU SAID THAT 30 MINUTES AGOOOO" mason said as he threw himself on my bed

i was about to say something as my phone started ringing

"masie can you check who's calling me?" i said with a smile and he rolled his eyes playfully at the name i called him

"yea sure oh it's... dylan?" he said looking at me

"uh don't answer it i've been trying to avoid him"


"i don't know hes just been being weird lately. i'll be back i'm gonna fix my hair in the bathroom!" i said as i got up

"okay! hurry up tho!!" mason said

"okayyy" i said as i got up and left to the bathroom


SKY HAD JUST left to the bathroom. i grabbed her phone and opened it. i know what i was doing was wrong but i had to see her messages with dylan.

DYLAN🫂‼️:seriously out of all people ur dating mason?

SKY‼️🤭:i don't see what's wrong with that.

DYLAN🫂‼️:oh please sky
mason? are you fr? he's literally
not even all that
you deserve someone better.

SKY🤭‼️:someone better as in you?

DYLAN🫂‼️:yea exactly

SKY🤭‼️:yea no😂

DYLAN LIKED sky? and sky didn't tell me about this

"mason what the hell are you doing! are you going though my phone?" sky said snatching her phone from my hand

"what the fuck! ur reading my messages?!" she asked giving me a look she's never gave me before


"sky i'm sorry! i know it was wrong i'm so so sorry" i said apologizing to her

"yea you knew it was wrong and still did it!" she said just as meg came in

"hey ur friends are here guys!" meg said with a smile

sky grabbed her stuff and walked out of the room

"did you do something to her mason?" meg asked with a serious face

"uh.. i went through her messages without asking her.."

"mason! you shouldn't do that!" meg said

"i know i know! i'm sorry!" i said

"just give her time k? now go with ur friends!" meg said with a soft smile

i ran downstairs to were everyone was. i said hi to everyone as i looked to sky. she avoid eye contact with me. fuck i really messed up..

"yo what's up with you and sky?" miguel whispered to me

"uh i may have went through there messages with dylan.."

"dude mason! that's bad."

"I know. god i fucked up the one thing i truly cared about"

"mason don't overreact it'll be okay maybe just talk to her?"

"yea i will.."


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