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recently sky's been getting a lot of hate because she's dating me. she says she doesn't care but i know it bothers her. people are so cruel telling her to kill herself and calling her ugly and fat. it's horrible and i can't do anything to stop it so the best thing to do is to break up with her.

how do i break up with her? jeez. i don't want to but it's for the best.

maybe I should say I lost feelings for her and that i like someone else although I don't. but breaking up with her is the best thing to do to stop her from getting hurt from all the hate.

i can't break up with her in person it's to hard. so texting will do..

Mason ml🤍
sky can we talk?

ofc about what?
is everything okay?

Mason ml🤍
uhm look sky this is hard
to say but i just don't like
you anymore. i like someone else

very funny joke mason😭

Mason ml🤍
i'm not joking
sky i like becca not
read at 3:04 pm



i was currently on the phone with my best friend miguel when i got a message from mason

"mason texted me!!" i said happy he texted me

"oo what'd he say?" miguel said

"he uhm said we need to talk... that's not good right?" i said worried

"im not sure.." miguel said

"okay.. i said "yea ofc is everything okay?"  i said looking at miguel through the phone

"okay has he responded?" miguel said

"yea he... he.." i couldn't even finish my sentence

Mason ml🤍
uhm look sky this is hard to say
but i just don't like you anymore. i like someone else

"sky? what happened?" miguel asked as he saw the look on my face

"mason.. he said he doesn't like me that he likes someone else?" i said trying to hold back my tears

"it's mason i'm sure he's messing with you cmon mason's head over heels for you!" miguel said

"i don't know miguel.."

very funny joke mason😭

Mason ml🤍
im not joking sky
i like becca not you.


"miguel.. he likes becca" i said at this point i had tears coming out my eyes the boy that i was in love with lost feelings for me and now likes my best friend?

"what. the. fuck." miguel said

"no there's no way. this has to be a joke sky mason loves you."

"clearly not miguel! he likes fucking becca! what if he never liked me? what if he liked becca and only dated me to get over her?"

"no no sky somethings up. mason would never do that"

"yea sure. look i'm gonna go shower ok? i'll call you later"

"okay bye sky! i love you masons an asshole for doing that"

"yea.. uhm bye!" i said hanging up.

becca. no wonder he likes her she's perfect and i'm just me.


SKY HAS CHANGED Mason ml🤍 to mason.

yea sorry.

sky🫶🏻 HAS BLOCKED mason.


@skydonnelly has unfollowed

oop... yea anyways what should happen??😦

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