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the saturn awards finished and now i was making my way to masons house to "talk" .

"okay we're here... sky if you need anything call us alright?" milo said

"yea i know! thanks milo but i'll see you and meg later k?" i said getting out the car

"okay be safe we love you!" meg said

"love you guys to!" i said before walking up to masons house

i knocked on his door

"sky! what are you doing here?" brooke asked

"mason wants to talk" i said

"oh ok! he's in his room. if he does anything or says anything tell me and i swear i'll do something" brooke said making me laugh

"gotcha! i'm gonna go to his room now" i said

"okay!" she said with a warm smile

i'm nervous. this is your chance just walk away. don't walk away. fix this.

"sky.. hi" he said awkwardly

"hey?" i said

"oh uhm come in!" he said as i walked in

"so. you wanted to talk? well this is ur chance. talk before i walk away mason." i said

"sky.. look i know what i did with shayal and you was messed up. i never meant to hurt you. but you hurt me first. you would hang out with jacob a lot. and hardly hung out with me? so when becca added shayal to the gc i thought this is the perfect way to show you how i felt. but if i knew it would make us to break up trust me i wouldn't have done it. i mean skylar you mean the world to me. i would do anything for you. you make me so happy. so when i saw how happy you were with jacob i don't know i guess i just flipped out! but i'm so sorry i really truly am sorry" he said as a tear ran down his face

i walked up to him and wiped his tear from his face

"mason... why didn't you just tell me how you felt? you know i would've understood. i'm sorry i hurt you i never knew you felt that way.. i'm sorry" i said

"don't be sorry. you didn't know... and i'm sorry for what i did with shayal. it was stupid of me to do that."

"mason it's okay" i said giving him a smile

"so we're okay?" he asked

"we're okay." i said

"so we're back together?" he asked


*GASP* cliffhanger 🙌🏻
should sky get back with mason???😦

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