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i've been horrible lately. masons been ignoring me and hanging out with shayla. god i hate her! at this point it feels like me and mason are not even dating.

we need to talk.

yea we do.

i'll come over.


i'm nervous as fuck. i don't know what's gonna happen what if we break up? i don't want that to happen. i know what masons doing is wrong but i still love and wanna be with him.

"hey meg? can you take me to mason's?" i asked my sister

"uh sure i thought you weren't talking to him?" she said

"uhm just take me please? i really need to talk to him"

"okay okay let's go!" she said as she walked to her with me following behind her

after about 10 minutes we arrived at mason's

"call me if anything ok?" meg said

"yea i will" i smiled at her

"if i don't answer just call milo or jacob ok?!" she said

"i knowwww! now goodbye" i said walking up to masons door and knocking on it

"sky! hi!" brooke mason's sister said

"hi brooke!" i said hugging her

"you here for mason?" she asked

"yea i really need to talk" i said

"he's in his room! thank god you came over. i don't want shayla to come over anymore" she said

shayla comes over? ok.

"shayal comes over?" i asked

"yea like everyday. i hate her she's annoying. she's always all up on mason and mason let's her. i don't know what's gotten into mason but he's not like him self" she said

"oh." i said

"yea... but masons in his room!" she said giving me a small smile

"ok thanks!" i said walking to mason's room and knocking

"oh hi sky." mason says not even looking at me as he opened the door.

"hi. we need to talk."

"yea i know." he said

"what's up with you? you've been very close to shayal and then you say she has a chance with you? are you kidding me! we're literally fucking dating?" i said mad

"oh please like you and jacob aren't close. you guys flirt with each other and hanging a lot so don't try and make me the bad person. because you did this" mason says

did i? was this my fault?

"me and jacob are just friends? okay yea we hang out and yea we're close because we're best FRIENDS. that's it! but with you and shayal it's different she flirts with you and you flirt with her back? like what the fuck! you have a girlfriend?" i said

"yea well maybe i made the wrong decision making you my girlfriend" he said

that right there. hurt like shit.

i couldn't even move. i was shocked at tears started forming in my eyes. did he really just say that to me?

"screw you mason." i said before walking out of his room

"yo sky are you ok?" brooke asked

"yea. im sorry i have to go." i said leaving her house

"cmon meg pick up" i said hoping meg would pick up the phone

"guess i'll have to call milo" i said clicking on milo's contact

"hey it's milo! leave a message" great fucking great. guess i gotta call jacob

"hey sky what's up?" jacob said as i called him

"oh thank god you answered" i said as my voice cracked

"sky? what's wrong are you ok?" he asked

"i.. i think me and mason just broke up." i said as tears fell out of my eyes

"oh.. sky where are you? i'll pick you up"

"i'm at the park i walked here"

"okay i'll be there soon!"

"okay thanks jacob"


lately sky's been hanging out with jacob to much. so when becca introduced me to shayla i thought it was the perfect idea to hang out with her more then sky. and it seemed to bother sky a lot

we need to talk.

yea we do.

i'll come over


oh shit. does this mean she's gonna break up with me?

i sat down on my bed as i waited for sky to come. maybe i should just tell her how i feel and why i did this. i know what i'm doing is wrong but i just can't help but feel jealous of her and jacob.

i got up as i heard a knock on my door. my heart started pounding.

"oh hey sky." i said as i opened the door

"hi. we need to talk." she said

"yea i know." i said

"what's up with you? youve been very close to shayal then you say she has a chance with you? are you kidding me! we're literally fucking dating!" she said giving me a look of sadness and madness. just looking at her breaks my heart because i know where this is gonna lead to.

"oh please like you and jacob aren't close. you guys flirt with each other and hang out all the time. so don't try and make me the bad person. because you did" i said why did i say that. i'm just making this shit worse

i saw as her eyes got watery

"me and jacob are just friends? okay yea we hang out and yea we're close because we're best FRIENDS. that's it! but with you and shayal it's different she flirts with you and you flirt with her back? like what the fuck! you have a girlfriend?" she said as tears were coming down her checks. i felt bad but she did this. her and jacob.

"yea well maybe i made the wrong decision making you my girlfriend" WHAT THE- why did i say that. this is it. i fucked everything up even more i could've just told her.

she looked at me and froze tears started coming out of her eyes more then before

"screw you mason" she said as she walked out of my room. i know i should run after her but maybe this is for the best.

"fuck! i ruined everything." i said as i slammed my door i couldn't help but start crying. maybe i shouldn't have said anything. why did i have to screw up the one thing that made me happy.

belly's notes
oh dam. this took uhm about a whole day to write🐣
and it's horrible.

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