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hey do you uhm
still wanna hang today?

yea! what should
we do tho?!

uhm idk
you could come over
if u want? brooke wants
to see you:)

okay cool!
i'll ask meg to drop
me off in abt 20

k i'll see you soon!
sky🧸 liked this message


mason was scared and nervous. the boy knew it was gonna be awkward after everything that happened. he still deeply had feelings for skylar. but the girl made it crystal clear she had just wanted to be friends.

"hey brooke! sky's coming over in a bit" mason said as he walked into his sisters room

"omg yay! i missed sky!" his sister brooke said with joy

"yea same.." the boy said with a weak smile

"you okay mason?" brooke asked as she motioned mason to sit next to her which he did

"no.. i know i fucked up with sky. but brooke i miss her so much ive never felt this way about anyone before. i'm in love with her deeply. i love her more then anything brooke. heck im head over heels for her. but it's clear she just wants to be friends" mason said as tears came down his cheeks

"mason.. it's okay. i know you love sky and i know how much she means to you. give it time. we all know sky still loves you. she wants to be more then friends but i mean mason you hurt her twice. of course she's not gonna get back with you that easily. you gotta win her back all over again" brooke said as she hugged her brother

"i'm trying brooke. i'm really really trying." he said

"i know mase. i'm sure everything will go back to how it used to be" she said giving the boy a smile which the boy returned back to her

"thanks brooke ur the best" he said as the door rang

"looks like sky's here!" brooke said as she ran towards to door

"hey brooke!" sky said as the door opened

"SKYY!" brooke said as she hugged the younger girl

"alright let me hug her now brooke!" mason said

"mason! oh are you okay? it looks like you were crying?" the girl said as she noticed the boys eyes were red

"yea i'm fine!" he said giving her a hug

"you sure?" she asked

"yea!" he said

"guys i'm gonna go to my friends house. i'll be back later!" brooke said as she headed towards the door

"uhm ok..." mason said as brooke gave him a smirk

"bye brooke!"

"bye sky!" brooke said as she left

"wanna bake uhm cookies and go live?" mason asked the girl as he scratched his neck awkwardly

"yea sure!"



"hi guys!" sky said

"hey everyone!"mason said

user101029:omg skason?

brady_hepner:MY CHILDREN!

"omg brady" sky said laughing

"we are not ur children!" mason said laughing as well

"anyways me and mase are gonna make cookiessss"the girl said smiling at mason

skason101:the way she looks at him omg!

mason read that comment and quickly turned red

"mason are you blushing?" the girl asked

"pft no!" he said

"mmh sureeee" she said

"okay! let's get flour!" mason says pulling out flour

"these cookies better be good"

skason. it's back. SHJJOIUGGG

"oh my god miguel." sky said rolling her eyes

"what?!" mason asked confused

"nothing! just a silly STUPID comment Miguel put." sky said

"uh ok.." mason said

masonsrealgf:ew why is mason with her again. didn't she cheat on mason?

"uhm masonsrealgf i didn't cheat on mason? mason you better get ur little fans" sky said laughing so hard

"HELP WHAT? SOMEONE SAID U CHEATED ON ME?" mason said as he laughed

"yes! one of ur little fan girls are saying stuff" sky said

"oh lord. guys sky didn't cheat on me! stop sa-" before mason could say anything flour was thrown at him

"SKYLAR JANE DONNELLY" mason said as he wiped the flour on his face

"oh shit." sky said giggling

mason grabbed a bunch of flour and threw it on skylar

"MASON." sky said

"YOU STARTED IT!" mason said laughing



"ur cleaning this up!" mason said

"NO UH. you did this mess to!" skylar said

"OKOK. jeez we're never gonna make these cookies." mason said laughing

@masonthamesofficial:guys this was after we spent an hour cleaning up flour

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@masonthamesofficial:guys this was after we spent an hour cleaning up flour.

LIKED BY:@skasonshipper
and 600k OTHERS

@skasonshipper:guys. it's happening.

@tristanpravong:our children brady
^@brady_hepner:there all so grown😖

@beccafclarke:sky looks gorgeous
^@masonthamesoffical:oh ikkkkk

@dylankingwell:the live was so funny😭

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