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"Are you fucking kidding me, Alexis?! You got yourself into some Shit it's hard to get out of! AND you have Aniyah involved into this! What is wrong with you?!"

My mother shouted at me over the phone.

And for the millionth time, I fucked up.

All my life is filled with is fuck ups.

The only thing I've ever done right was create Aniyah, and even with that, I almost got her hurt.

I honestly can't believe I really thought that Dave would be the right one for me.

He really sold me this story that he was this great ass man. It turns out, he's nothing but dangerous.

It seems to me that he does nothing but put himself and everyone he loves around him, in complete danger.

"Mom, I seriously didn't mean for this to happen! I thought Dave was a good guy!"

"Yeah, THOUGHT! You didn't KNOW! What if child protective services get involved now?! They can take Aniyah away from you! Jacob is gone, he can't take full custody!"

And my mom's most likely right.

Because of all of this, child protective services are more than likely going to be involved now.

They'll probably see me as an unfit parent, and put Aniyah into foster care.

My mom can't just take her right away. She's going to have to go through an entire process with getting Aniyah into her care.

That's how the system works.

"I just don't know what to do right now, mom. I'm scared as hell. I've never been through this before."

"You SHOULD be scared, Alexis! This is VERY serious! Your whole life is going to change after this! What are the police going to think?! You left your child under a criminal's care, and on top of that, someone basically kidnapped her! You're looking at possible jail time as well for child endangerment!"

How did my entire life come crashing down within two to three weeks?

All because of ONE MAN, I was beginning to fall for?

"How about you be supportive for just one time in your life, mom?! It isn't going to hurt you to be supportive just for once! My entire life, all you do is bash me, and make me feel like shit! Do you ever think that YOU'RE the reason why I fuck up so much?! It's not my fault, it's YOURS! And my father, who walked out on us when we were young! I hate you both! I wish I had different parents, maybe I wouldn't have to live this way!"

"You want me to be SUPPORTIVE after you almost got my grandchild hurt?! I will NOT be supportive! And now she's on the verge of getting placed into the foster care system, because of YOUR mistakes! You're grown, own up to your mistakes! Yes, your father and I are not perfect parents. But, we didn't push you to make any mistake! You're GROWN! And you hate me?! Well then fine! Don't fucking call me or your brother when you've gotten locked up!"

My mom angrily then hung up the phone. Alyssa was beside me as I was on the phone, so she heard how furious my mother was with me.

"Damn. I've NEVER heard your mom THAT angry."

"Of course she's going to be. I feel like I can't ever do nothing right in my life. It seems like my entire life is just a bad dream that I can't wake up from. I don't know how much more I can take."

"You can get through this, Lex. You've gotten through everything else. There's nothing you can't get through. New Years is tomorrow, and I know it's a shitty way to start off your new year. But, come over my house tonight with me. You can celebrate with me and Loyal. What do you say?"

"I'm not sure if I can, Lyss. There's way too much going on right now. There's no way I can just get up and celebrate like nothing is going on."

Maya took me in for questioning about Bashar. I told her everything I knew, and she left it at that. Tomorrow, which is New Years, she told me to come back in to speak about Dave.

I also told her about Armon and Aniyah, and she said the police are still obligated to possibly open up a case with kidnapping.

Which is the one thing I was trying to avoid.

"I totally understand. I'm gonna let you go, though. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay, Lyss. Talk to you tomorrow."

I sadly smiled, giving Alyssa a hug before she walked out of my house.

Maybe I should call Armon to warn him about the possible case being opened.

Slowly dialing Armon's number, I build the courage up to call him.

"Hey, Lex. You okay?"

"Armon, I have bad news.."

"What is it? You good?"

"Not really. I talked to Maya, who's the police officer working with me because she's Aniyah's aunt. And she said even though you had good intentions, the Police Department still is obligated to open up a case due to the kidnapping. Even though you didn't see it that way."

"Are you serious? I didn't mean for it to look like kidnapping! I was simply tryna save a child in danger!"

"We know what you meant. But the police? They don't see it that way. And with me, CPS is most likely getting involved. I'm likely to get jail time for child endangerment. I most likely am about to lose my parental rights to my only child."

"Are you kidding me?! Thats bullshit!"

"Oh, trust me. I know it is. But unfortunately, that's just how the system works."

"And what about the nigga Dave that caused all of this? He doesn't just get away with this, does he?!"

"Not at all. I go back to the station tomorrow in order to tell them everything that I know about whatever he's involved with and him. Whenever him and his friends are caught, whenever they are, they're getting locked up."


"I just called you to give you a heads up. A fair warning. I didn't want anything to come as a surprise to you."

"I appreciate that, Alexis.. I'll be preparing for whatever comes to me. Thanks for the warning."

"You're welcome. I gotta go. I'll talk to you soon."

I hang up the phone, instantly bursting into tears afterwards.

I really can't believe that my entire life is about to be over.

Over a man who I was just beginning to fall for.

Not even in a relationship with.

This goes to show that you need to watch whoever you're around, because danger doesn't stop for nobody.

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