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Marinette's POV

I was shocked, but my face was devoid of any emotion. That's how it had to be, or the bullying would be worse. Any sign of weakness was surely picked upon. And I didn't need to be targeted by Hawkmoth. So without looking up from my work, I raised my hand.

"Thank you, and please be on your best behavior." Ms. Bustier told me, and it had a double meaning. Don't cause any more trouble than you're already worth.

I rolled my eyes. Damian began walking up the stairs, and I quickly moved my bag off the bench to give him room.

I fed Tikki another cookie to keep her quiet. And out of sight. I didn't need the new student poking his nose where it didn't belong.

Damian slides into the seat behind me, not even giving me a glance. We worked together and silence, I preferred it that way. I like how he didn't ask questions.

At lunch, the students usually would disperse and go to the cafeteria. But with the excitement of a new student, they all clambered to the back of the room.

Damian barely got a chance to grab his side bag when he was cornered by Alya, Sabrina and Lila.

"Hi! I'm Lila Rossi, class president. Welcome to Françoise Dupont High School." She holds out hand to shake.

Damian looked annoyed at her cheery nature, and merely looked at her outstretched hand.

"You're supposed to shake my hand, silly. Do they not teach you manners in America?" Lila says passive aggressively.

"Tt. They teach more in one class than I've learned in the entire morning I've been here." Damian says, his tone icy as ever.

I wholeheartedly agreed. I had finished over half of the work assigned for this week, and it was only Monday morning. I wouldn't complain to the teacher about it, Ladybug and MDC took up enough of my time as is, I didn't need more work added to my plate.

"That's rude! Our teacher is amazing!" Alya defended.

Damian tried to move through the group of girls. They didn't let him, and he visibly fumed. I debated on helping him, but if I got involved, I knew it would only get worse.

I finished packing my stuff, and I spotted Adrien and Chloe waiting outside the classroom.

"By the way, a little bit of advice. Stay away from Marinette. She's a bully and lies about everything." Lila says, burning holes in the back of my head.

I ignored her words, and silently walked off, not sparing a glance.

"At least she enough common sense to not bother me like you all have." Damian said, and I paused halfway down the steps. Then I walked out, when Chloe and Adrien give me an odd look.

"What was that about?" Adrien asked.

"Nothing." I answered quickly.

"Do I need to go beat up Lila?" Chloe asked, pretending to push up sleeves.

"No. They haven't done anything yet. Besides, you can't get expelled senior year." I chastise her.

"Who says I'll get expelled? I'll get just daddy on the phone and everything will be fixed?" Chloe says in an overly fake voice.

"Chloe, you surprise me sometimes," I say.

"How else am I supposed to keep our lives interesting?" Chloe says.

We laugh, and head to my parents bakery for lunch, and to talk about patrol scheduling for the rest of the week.

When we make our way back to school, and it feels weird that we haven't had an akuma attack yet. Maybe Hawkmoth is sick or taking a break. Maybe I'll have one normal day of high school.

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