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Marinette's POV

Thanks to Tim and all of his algorithms that track the Black Mask's movements across Gotham, he was able to pinpoint it to three possible locations. There were only so many places you could hide, even in Gotham. Actually, there were a lot. 

So many, that we had to split up. I was with Damian, as always, perched above a warehouse below. I smiled, this warehouse seemed busy tonight, and the henchmen weren't even trying to hide it. I looked at Robin, who only gave a slight nod. We had found the central stronghold of the Black Mask. 

What was even better, was that he pulled up in his limo. So much for keeping things a secret...

Robin pulls out his comm, ready to send the location to the rest of the time. I put my hand on his arm, and shake my head.

"Why?" He asked.

"He might leave when the others arrive. The Black Mask has eyes across town, and wouldn't it look suspicious if everyone came here? We have the element of suprise, and we can't look that. I can't lose this."

For once, Damian looks conflicted. 

Oh who am I kidding?

Pulling him into my world turned his upside down. He constantly had to look at everything from a different point of view, for better or for worse. 

Robin looks at me, and he sighs. "Fine. I'll take the fall."

"No!" I whisper yelled. "This was my idea, and you can't always protect me from your father. Batman doesn't scare me."

"That's because you're on his side." Robin said, as he unsheathed his katana. "Ready?"

"Ready." I answered, although I didn't feel the word. 

I dropped down into the alley, but Robin beat me by a half second.

The Black Masks's cronies had just turned the corner, which gave us seconds to sneak into the building. I took a few steps back, and started running, while Robin knelt and gave me a boost into the air. I threw my yo-yo to the roof, and awkwardly stood on the outside metal. 

I peered into the window of the third level, and it was empty. I shimmied the window loose, and slinked inside. Robin nodded, he was ready to be pulled in. The next shift of men would come out soon.

I gave him one last look, before I shut the window.

I crouched as I was looking out of the window of the door, down the long hallway.

Robin's voice was in my ear, "We need to stick together."

You left me.

Noises came from the hall outside, making their way towards me. I surveyed the room, there was broken chairs, and ropes, and a desk. I hid under the desk, and whispered, "This is my problem. I need to fix it."

"Doesn't mean you have to do it alone," he argued with me.

At that moment, he sounded more like Nightwing than himself. I told him back, "You're so great at that, aren't you?"

He didn't answer me back.

Way to go, Marinette. 

The voices passed by, and so I entered the hallway. Being a smart man, Black Mask would make his quarters at the center of his operation. Best security that way, which Red Hood confirmed after almost a year of working under him.

The Black Mask would be in the basement. 

It didn't exist, at least, not on the building permits and instructions.

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