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Damian's POV

The winter chill was starting to settle into Paris, but there is no snow in sight. Ice, that was frost the night before, begins to coat the grass and sidewalks, signaling a change in the seasons.

It reminds me of Gotham, although, Paris is full of more hope and wonder. I wonder if Gotham can ever go back to normal... whatever normal is.

Marinette keeps staring out of the window in class, wishing she was somewhere else or just day dreaming, I couldn't tell.

Lately, she had been distant. The stress of life was getting to my Angel, I could tell from the bags under her eyes, and the way she slouched over her desk.

Grayson and I had visited home over the weekend, celebrating an early Thanksgiving with the family. It was... eventful, to say the least, seeing as it had ended with a good fight started by Todd. Or Drake. I could never tell with those two. Father had enough on his plate with Wayne Enterprises and the Dark Knight, let alone taking care of those two.

Everyone ended up being absolutely smothered in good like mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, and stuffing. Cassandra won, because she barely had any food on her, but usually wins these sorts of things.

Alfred was not happy in the slightest, and made us clean up the dining room for the rest of the night. However cranberry sauce got on the ceiling, I'll never know, but it was nearly impossible to get it out.

But it was good to see my family. No matter how much we fight, we have each other's back 

Back to reality, Marinette and I walked to her house as usual after school.

The smell of the bakery was enticing, as her parents had begun the Christmas season treats and pastries. Even though we were just over a month away from the holiday itself, they had Christmas music playing loudly in the shop. Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng were busy kneading dough, not even processing the bell of the door when we came in.

They kissed each other on the lips, and then turned to greet us. "Marinette! Damian! How was school?" Sabine said with equal enthusiasm, while Tom was giving her loving eyes.

"Bleh! Maman! Papa! Don't do that," Marinette groans, covering her face watching her parents kissing.

Her father rolls his eyes, expressing, "Marinette, you know that—"

"No! I don't want to hear anymore," Marinette says so fast she almost trips over her words. "Let's go upstairs Damian." She pushes me up the steps while her parents laugh.

Even though I see them practically every day, I try to be polite by stating, "Good to see you Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng."

"You can call us Sabine and Tom!" Her mother calls after me, but the door is closed as we exit the bakery towards their true home.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. They can get so lovey-dovey sometimes that the rest of the world doesn't exist to them," Marinette explains.

I scrunched my nose. "Your parents are highly... affectionate."

"Yours aren't?" Marinette guessed, but by the look on her face, I knew she wasn't exactly asking.

I nodded.

"Are they married?"

"No. I'm a result of what you would call a one night stand."

"Oh. I'm glad you're here then." Marinette tells me, but as she processes her own words, she turns bright red.

I small smile fights it's way to my lips, "Is that it?" I tease her.

I swear Marinette is about to combust, with steam coming from her ears when she yells at me, "What am I supposed to say to that? You said it so nonchalantly!"

"It's fine Marinette. It's an awkward topic, and I've made my peace with it," I tell her, and for the most part, it isn't a lie.

She nods, not sure how to carry on the conversation. If we change the subject, it'll be another secret I have to hide. It'll be more uncomfortable if we skirt around this topic.

But then again, Jon doesn't even know this about me.

I took a shaky breath, and began, "My mother loves my father, and my father loved her at one point. At least, that's what they've told me. My mother calls him 'Her Beloved' believing that my father was her one true love, her equal."

Marinette's eyes distracted me, as they were wholly fixated on me.

I continued, "They had sex, my father was under the influence, while my mother was not. It's complicated, my mother isn't exactly what you'd call a role model. My mother hid my existence from him, but I found who he was when I was eight. Two years after that, she revealed to him that he had a son, and I met him for the first time. Then she sent me to live with him, and then suddenly, I had a large family. It took time to adjust to it, but I wouldn't trade them for the world." Not that they'd know that, I added mentally.

Marinette hugs me, and I freeze. She's she so warm and lovely, that I melt into her arms, and I bend down to reach her.

"The world would be a darker place without you," Marinette declares, holding me tighter.

"I doubt that," I mutter, voicing my true demons. Marinette's head buried in my chest, so I assume that she didn't hear my words, but as she pulls away slightly, I know that was close enough that to hear it.

Marinette pulls away slightly, her face inches from mine, "Damian, you are a good person. You need to stop being so hard on yourself." She adds a little softer.

I chuckle, "I could say the same thing to you, Angel."

She slightly blushes at the nickname, but she shakes her head, trying not to fall for my sweet words.

"Dami, I don't know what I would do without you." Mari admits to me.

My green eyes bore deep into her blue ones, when I say, "I don't know what I would do without you either, my Angel."


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