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Damian's POV

Marinette and I wore darkened sunglasses, and masks over our faces as we explored some of the nicer parts of Gotham.

We went back and forth from her apartment and the Manor, and patrol. She was starting to feel cooped up, and I agreed. The days were getting hotter, and summer solstice had come and gone.

Gotham City was quiet, eerily quiet, but we decided to enjoy the calm before the storm that was inevitably coming.

Marinette had dragged me into two different fabric stores, and we stopped for lunch at a pastry shop. I wouldn't be caught dead in any of these stores, but Marinette made it enjoyable. I was grateful I hadn't been recognized, this had been the longest I had been out without being recognized as the youngest heir to the Wayne fortune.

After lunch, we went into expensive designer stores. Marinette wanted to see what other fashion brands were putting out, and she would critique them under her breath.

But anything her eyes lingered on, I silently bought. Marinette was working herself to death, and I knew she wouldn't reward herself for all the things she had accomplished. And if she wasn't going to take care of herself, I would.

I knew that my angel would get embarrassed, and try to return all the things I had bought for her, which is why I was having it delivered to her apartment. She could get mad at me later.

Today was as close to perfection as we could get. We were dating, technically. I hadn't asked her yet, but we were mutually exclusive. I just had to wait for the right moment.

I opened my mouth, gathering the courage to follow my heart, but my phone buzzed.

I was required at the BatCave.

Marinette showed her phone, Batman had also requested her presence. More training.

She groaned, but we still managed to get there in only a few minutes.

Marinette's POV

Damian whisked us away to the BatCave, where Batman had information on the Miraculous, but we would undoubtedly have extra training as well.

Red Robin took Damian aside, and they began sparring.

"Ladybug," Batman begun, "I believe the Miraculous is still in the Black Mask's possession, but it's not at any of his warehouses. We've determined two options, that he regularly has it on the move, or that he's carrying it on his person."

I nodded, "I've assumed as much."

"If you want to get it back, you'll have to understand the villain inside and out. Luckily, we've had someone work alongside him."

Red Hood walks over, "I can give you everything I have on him. Where he occupies, what he does in his free time, and things Batman doesn't even know."

"That would be great, thank you." I told him. Batman nodded, and left.

"Don't thank me yet," Red Hood said, "you'll
also be training with me today. Target practice."

"That's easy—"

"No magic. We're going to be using guns." He said, handing me an extra handgun.

I cringed. "I'm fine."

"If you want to get back the Miraculous, you're going to have to know the Black Mask as well as yourself. Besides, you never know when you'll need to use one of these."

"I have never needed to use this, and I doubt I ever will," I challenge the vigilante. I was many things, but I wasn't a killer.

"We're in Gotham," he presses. "This isn't Paris. Things are real here. People die, and we can't bring them back," he says a bit angrily. He stalks off, and I follow him.

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