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Marinette's POV

Princess Honey was back, and out of breath.

"Is Lila locked up?" I asked.

"Yes. And there's no way she's getting out, I broke the key to her cell. And then I pulled the fire alarm, which put the whole place on lockdown." Princess Honey boasted.

"How about the masked Parisians?" I asked.

"They're fast," she brags, "but not as fast as me. I was in and out in a heartbeat."

Something brushes against my ankle, and I looked to find a glowing mask, and a person attached to it.

I jump away, and shudder. All around us, the masks begin climbing up the buildings. I watch as one masked person pull at Robin's cape behind him, and he has to kick them away to escape.

"Aaaand they've spotted us," I run away, and leap off of the building to the next one.

"We gotta go!" Nightwing yells, and begins retreating.

"Well duh," Princess Honey says, following me to the Eiffel Tower.

We land underneath the giant structure, and watch as people sprint down the streets, chasing us.

I throw my yo-yo at the buildings, and I pull at them with all my strength. They collapse, and block off the masks.

It would buy us some time.

There were no ways to get in or out of the area, which meant that this would be our defining moments.

"Are you crazy?" Nightwing asks, as he looks around us. He looks impressed at the strength I have, but also scared since I haven't shown my full abilities to them.

"A little bit." I admitted with a small grin. Nightwing looks at me with a scared look. To reassure him, I say, "It'll get fixed by the Miraculous magic."

Nightwing looks relieved, "I forgot about that. Man, magic is weird sometimes."

"Weirder than dressing up and fighting crime in a bat costume?" Princess Honey asks.

Nightwing groans, "I take retract my statement."

Robin is hyper focused, and points as Truth Seeker. "She's coming, and she doesn't look happy."

"No really?" Princess Honey asks sarcastically.

"Not now." I groan, and Princess Honey bites her tongue. Usually, Chat Noir is here to help with her attitude.

Where has my Kitty gone?

Truth Seeker easily steps over the crumbled buildings, into the circular arena I had constructed for us.

She holds her hands out wide, "You really think this is going to stop me?"

"No. Are you sure you want to do this? It's not fun losing," I shout at Truth Seeker.

"I won't lose." She says in anger.

"You're not going to win anything from this fight. Hawkmoth is using you." Princess Honey explains.

Truth Seeker cackled, "As much as he's using me, I'm using him. Besides, now, not only foes Paris get to find out Ladybug's identity, but your earrings will belong to Hawkmoth. Have you ever thought that if you handed them over, that this would've been over long ago?"

"And let Hawkmoth use them for evil?" I yell back.

Truth Seeker begins marching forward, "Do you know what he even wants? He could ask for world peace, the cure to cancer! The opportunities are endless."

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