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Marinette's POV

Adrien lays on the ground, knocked out by the previous fight. I feel betrayed as I see his body lying there.

He helped Hawkmoth.

He risked the Miraculous.

He betrayed me, Chloe, and ultimately, Paris.

So I had to fulfill my duty as the Guardian of the Miraculous.

I raise his hand above the ground, and take off his ring.

"Ladybug! What are you doing?" Princess Honey asks me.

"What has to be done." I answer back, not even glancing at my best friend, unconscious on the ground. I know if I do, I'll cry.

Chloe nods, and hugs herself tightly, probably feeling the same things I am.

Plagg swirls out. "Bugaboo, I couldn't stop him. I tried, believe me—"

"I know Plagg. He dug his grave, and now he has to lie in it." I try to comfort the mini god of destruction.

"Is he dead?" Nightwing asks, looking concerned.

"No," Chloe snaps at insensitive comment.

Nightwing is astounded when he looks at Adrien's face, and sees the leading model for the Agreste brand. Robin looks mildly suprised, but then
like he's trying to remember something. Something like it's on the top of his tongue, but he can't remember it.

"I can't—I can't," I take a deep breath to collect myself.

"Ladybug... we can't let him get tossed away like an alley cat. We can't let him rot with his father." Princess Honey brings me back to reality.

There's only one option at this point.

"Is there any way you can wipe his memories?" I ask Nightwing, looking at the ground.

"I'll call in a favor," Nightwing says, pulling out his electric baton.

"That's not what I meant," Princess Honey says in exasperation. "There has to be another answer. Please," she begged.

"Princess Honey, what else can we do? He betrayed us once, who says he won't do it again? Blackmail us with our identities, or expose us to the world. He wants to save his mother, and he'll turn into his father to do it." I told her. Adrien would do anything to save his mother, and earn his father's respect."

And after tonight, we could never fully trust him.

"I hate that your right." Princess Honey's voice wavers.

"Me too." I express, "We can save him the guilt he'll carry with him for the rest of his life for turning on us and losing Plagg. We can do that for him."

Nightwing looks up from his baton, saying, "Someome is on the way for help."

"Okay," I say pathetically.

It's been well over five minutes, so I'm surprised that my suit hasn't timed out, but maybe after this battle Tikki knows I need some extra time.

I look away, trying not to let my emotions bleed through.

In only a few more minutes, a hero appears to help.

The Martian Manhunter.

If it was any other situation, I would be in awe, but I can't help but feel sorrow.

What's happened in the last 12 hours is real, and Adrien really did betray me. He's going to forget everything.

"Manhunter," Nightwing solemnly says, "Thank you for coming."

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