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Damian's POV

I hate Paris.

I hated it more than I hated the Manor at first when Mother dumped me there. At least there I was challenged, and the idiots there weren't actually idiots. You cannot tell Todd and Drake I said that, I would never hear the end of it.

I call Grayson, the only one I slightly respect besides Father and Pennyworth. "How long do we have to stay here Grayson? The whole class is controlled by a manipulative liar, who says she dating Damian Wayne."

Grayson laughs at my predicament. I knew I shouldn't have told him. But it's not like I have anyone else to talk to. I wasn't allowed to bring Titus, Pennyworth, or Batcow to Paris. I can see why I couldn't keep Batcow, but a cat and a dog wouldn't be a big deal. It would be fine, because I would visit the Manor on the weekends.

"Have you made any friends?" Dick asks.

"Why would I need to, we're only staying here until were done with the case. Besides, I don,t do friends."


"Grayson, how long are we going to be here?" I question.

"A few months. Probably until the end of the semester. It's called undercover work, not overnight work. And you should make some friends, you can't rely on Jon, he's your only friend."

It would be weird having Grayson's last name as my own, but for the sake of our cover, it was necessary. I wouldn't be an Al Ghul or a Wayne.

"Self-appointed friend," I remind him of my position to the matter.

"Yeah, yeah Damian. Go make one friend by the end of the school week. You know, talk to somebody. You could use some social skills."

My social skills are fine, but Father and Grayson would say it's debatable. "Tt."

"I didn't hear a no—" Grayson answers in a sing songy voice.

I seethe into the phone, "Grayson, I will bury you alive."

"Wouldn't be the first time that's happened to me Dami," Grayson jokes about his trauma.

"Don't call me that!"

"I'll stop calling you that if you make a friend."

I ponder for a moment. Would it be worth it to make a friend if I got rid of that ridiculous nickname?

"So you're debating it?" Grayson asks.

I ignore it. "I'll see you at the apartment."

We had a apartment, more like a base of operations if we were ever in Paris. We had sites like these all over the world if we ever needed cover.

We were in Paris because there has been odd things happening. Black Mask has been sending supplies here, but we couldn't figure out why. We presume that he's working with Hawkmoth here. Desperate times call for desperate actions.

Paris is home to Ladybug and Cat Noir, heroes of the city.

The Justice League once debated bringing them in, specifically Batman, but Wonder Woman and Aquaman were whole heartedly against it.

They also told us to avoid Paris, because if we were caught under Hawkmoth's control, it would ultimately spell disaster.

But Wonder Woman and Aquaman's involvement can only mean one thing. The heroes of Paris are connected to them, probably due to their ancient or magical origins.

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