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Damian's POV

Marinette enters the room again, "I have to go, I'm so sorry. We just got a cake order for a birthday party tomorrow, and I have to help my parents."

Grayson prys, "What do your parents do?"

Marinette beams, "They own the bakery next to the high school."

Grayson connects the dots and asks me, "Is this why you tell me to drop you off a street away, Damian?"

"Grayson!" I yell at him in embarrassment. He's enjoying this too much, and when Marinette leaves, I will be tackling him to the ground.

Marinette giggles at my response.

"Here, I'll lead you to the door," I say, only half remembering the manners Alfred the butler had taught me.

"Bye Marinette! It was nice meeting you," Grayson says, pulling out his phone inconspicuously.

"It was nice to meet you too Mr. Grayson." She says politely.

"Dick!" He yells back.

"Dick," she relinquishes.

I open the elevator door for her, and I watch her bluebell eyes until she steps in.

"Bye Dami," she teases. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye Marinette." I say, as the elevator doors trap her inside, and she descends below.

Grayson has the biggest smile on his face, he's practically vibrating. "YOU LET HER CALL YOU DAMI!?!"

"Grayson. Unmarked grave." I raise the threat even further. Batman wouldn't even find his body.

"Fine. Sheesh." He rolls his eyes. "Come on, you can't expect me to not freak out that you found a friend to willingly hang out with you, let alone a girl!"

"Are you insinuating that I can't talk to people of the opposite gender?"

"No! I just thought you hated when girls were all over you and only after the money." Grayson says, but I know he's also talking about himself.

"Marinette doesn't know." I remind him.

"But she doesn't seem like the type to care about that stuff," Grayson says.

"Tt, I know." I state, getting annoyed at this point.

"Are you sure I can't tell—," Grayson starts, but I immediately stop him.

"No, you can't tell Father. I don't want anyone to know about her."

"You can't keep a secret forever," Grayson points out.

"I can try. There are so many secrets you don't know." I taunt him.

"Like what?" He asks.

"Todd was the one who threw the glitter bomb last patrol at you, not Brown."

"THAT WAS HIM?!?" Grayson screeches. "I had glitter everywhere for a month. I had to explain to my police captain why it was all over my skin."

"You're welcome." I add, knowing Todd was going to get it from Grayson.

"If the word ever gets out about you and Marinette, I'll make sure he's the last to know." Grayson says adamantly.

"Tt. He'll hate you." I say, pulling out my katana and sharpening it.

Grayson laughs, "Jay only pretends to hate everything. It keeps his tough boy image in place."

"That we can agree on," I mutter.

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