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Marinette's POV

I got the fashion assistant internship at Gotham Styles easily. I finished decorating my apartment, and life started to fall into place.

Everything was going smoothly, and I thanked whatever luck I had left that nobody recognized me from the Riddler's last plot. Gotham wasn't stupid like the Parisians were, but they knew how to compartmentalize better and move on from the past.

I knew I was overqualified for the internship I had earned, but I need real world experience in the industry. I wanted to look at fashion from all angles, not from the platform I was so lucky to have.

So when Wayne Industries acquired Gotham Styles, I quit.

I didn't want the reason I got the internship be that my almost boyfriend's dad bought the company. It seemed like a few hand out, and I didn't need any of that.

Over the Fourth of July weekend, I hung with Damian, but before I could confront him about it, Mr. Freeze attacked. We were separated, as we had been in Paris, and I became Ladybug.

I kept to the shadows, as my previous agreement with Batman had gone, but my blood thrummed for the fight. Instead, I helped people out of danger and led people away from the fighting. I was like a ghost.

Damian apologized for that night, and he promised to make it up to me on my birthday.

July 9th.

Which was today.

I was excited for my birthday, but I didn't know what he meant by a surprise. I hoped he wouldn't go over the top, I just wanted a night with him. Where we didn't have to pretend, or leave things unsaid, we could just be us.

I trudged out of my room, into the kitchen, needing some caffeine to wake me up.

"Happy birthday, Marinette!" The kwamis cheered in unison, spring out of their hiding places.

Breakfast was already made, and set before me. They even had a cute little cake, decorated with red and white, for me.

"You guys," I said, tears forming in my eyes. I knew this day wasn't going to be the same without my parents, but it was so cute to see them try to make me happy.

They start scooping me up a plate, but I lose focus when my phone starts ringing.

It's Chloe.

"Marinette!" Chloe greets me on the screen, as she puts it down so she can start cooking her breakfast. Pollen flies into the other room, recognizing who was on the phone with me.

It's early, and Chloe has never been a morning person, so it's really sweet that she called me.

"Happy birthday!" She cheers, and I give her a huge smile.

"Thanks, Chlo! How's New York?" I asked her, grabbing my plate of food. The kwamis fly around me, but Chloe can't see them at all. Sometimes the magic of the Miraculous seemed excessive.

Chloe smiles, "It's amazing. I could live here for the rest of my life."

I tell her, "I'm glad to hear that. How's Mr. Mystery Man?"

Chloe blushes for a moment, "He's good. He's about to wake up soon."

I question, "For my birthday present, can I see him?"

She rolled her eyes at me, "I already sent you a present, it should be there already. Did anyone else send one?"

"Luka, Jagged, and Penny sent one. Kagami told me hers would arrive today. My parents also sent a very large care package." I tell her.

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