a c t - o n e

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| act one - game of survival |

"There's no surrender
And there's no escape
Are we the hunter?
Or are we the prey?"

"The Earth. That's the dream."

"Whatever the hell we want

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"Whatever the hell we want."

"— Hey, wait a second. You think you follow your own rules?
— Exactly. After all, we do whatever the hell we want."

"It's not really what I imagined of my new life on Earth

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"It's not really what I imagined of my new life on Earth..."

"I was 15, I was scared and my mother didn't give a damn! We're not supposed to experience this kind of thing! I just protected myself!"

"I was 15, I was scared and my mother didn't give a damn! We're not supposed to experience this kind of thing! I just protected myself!"

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"Monsters are only people who have no regrets about their horrible deeds. And you, you have nothing to do with a monster."

"— I'm scared, Maze...
— It's okay. It's okay to be scared. That means you still feel something. That you still human. And it's what will keep you alive, Jordan."

"— I thought you shouldn't be ashamed of being afraid?— I'm sick of being afraid

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"— I thought you shouldn't be ashamed of being afraid?
— I'm sick of being afraid. I just wanna feel something other than fear, Bell... Help me."

"If we forget the Grounders who want our skins, the toxic fog and the underwater killer snakes... the Earth is still beautiful."

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"Why do we always have to fight to survive?"

"— I'm so tired of fighting... I can't keep doing this anymore.
— Maze. Maze, listen to me. Don't do this. Hold on, I'm begging you. Jordan needs you. We need you. I need you.
And what about what I need?"

"— Life on Earth shouldn't be just about fighting every day to survive, Bellamy

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"— Life on Earth shouldn't be just about fighting every day to survive, Bellamy. Otherwise, there is no hope.
— Hope is everywhere. Hope is in everyone you care about. Jordan and all the others, they are your hope. And you're mine. You are my hope, Maze."

"This is a wild game of survival"

WAR OF HEARTS - THE 100Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant