Baby in blue

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//Dreams pov//

;:A few days after the last chapter:;

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ear. Slowly I opened my dry, heavy eyes and rolled over to grab my phone, wanting to stop the loud sound. I grabbed my phone and clicked the first button I saw. I figured I'd just go back to sleep, but after a few minutes of moving around trying to get comfortable enough to go back to sleep, Patches jumped up onto my bed and started rubbing up against me trying to 'wake me up'.

I opened my eyes and sat up slightly reaching my hand out, Patches immediately pushed her head against my hand as I started petting her.

"Good morning baby. Are you hungry?" I asked. While slowly crawling out of bed Patches responded with a meow as she followed me out of my room and to the kitchen.

After I filled up her food bowl I opened the fridge to find something to eat. Sapnap wasn't here again, he had left the night before not bothering to tell me where he was going, so I had the house to myself and had absolutely no food.

I groaned as I closed the fridge.

Once I turned around I realized just how messy the kitchen alone was. I scrunched up my nose in disgust of the messy lifestyle of empty pizza boxes, fast food bags, paper bowls and plates left on the counter, some still with old food in them. Liquor and soda bottles scattered on every counter, some half full and some spilt, The sink overflowing with dishes.

God this place is a dump. Just being in the room made me feel gross. I walked into the living room to see even worse of a mess than the kitchen.

Card games on the flour empty cans and bottles covered every surface. Spilt food and drink stains on the carpet, the coffee table shifted to the side of the living room, with different colored sticky substances, which was probably soda or alcohol resonating on the table.

I stepped over the piles of trash and old food on the ground and turned on the surround sound that sat under the tv. After I connected my phone and started playing my 2010s playlist, I grabbed a trash bag and started picking up the kitchen, shoving every bottle, can, plate, box, and bag into the piece of plastic. Once the bag was full I set it on the back porch. As I walked back in I realized this would take a lot longer than I initially thought it would. I let out a small sigh and started packing more trash into the heavy bags.

After about two hours all the trash was gone from the floor and counters, now leaving me to do the dishes, wiping down the counters and mopping the floor. As I started spraying down the counters with whatever cleaner I had, my phone went off.

I walked over to my phone expecting it to be Sapnap telling me he's ok and had made it to his destination, or maybe George wanted to hang out and chat for a little but as I grabbed my phone I saw it wasnt my friend, but my mother.

"Hey mom" I answered happy to talk to her but a slightly disappointed that it wasn't one of my friends.

"Hi honey, I've missed you" she exclaimed happily.

"I've missed you too mom" I smiled as I walked back into the kitchen to start wiping down the counters.

" What have you been doing?" she asked, her smile shining through the phone.

"I've been cleaning," I said "I think I might have bitten off a little more than I can chew" I laughed as I looked at the slightly less trashed kitchen. Already tired.

"Alright I'll be over in an hour" she stated knowing I was asking for some form of help.

"Thank you so much mom, also you might want to bring some strong cleaners" I laughed, realizing that the stains on the counter aren't going to come off.

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