Just a picture

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Dream woke to soft meows coming from beside him, pulling him from his peaceful sleep. He rolled over, squinting his eyes open only to be met by the bright light of the hot florida sun peeking through his curtains, closing his eyes again and sighing.

With that patches jumped up on his bed before slowly making her way up the bed, before butting her face right into the blond nose.

"Ow '' dream said sitting up, patches rubbed her soft body up against his arm before meowing at him and jumping off the bed and out of the room. Dream sighed dragging his tiered body out of the bed to follow the cat.

He grabbed a random t-shirt he found on the ground and pulled it on before heading down stairs.

"Patchy" dream called walking down the stairs and into the kitchen where he saw his cat meowing at the pantry where he kept her food. "You are one of a kind baby girl" he chuckled, petting the cat now in his arms before grabbing the wet food from the pantry.

He let her hope out of his arms and onto the counter as he opened the can and set it on the floor next to her water bowl. She meowed happily at the blonde and jumped down to start eating.

The blonde grabbed a bag of cereal and made himself a bowl before sitting at one of the island stools thoughtlessly scrolling through his phone.

He was half way done with his food when he got a snap from George. He was confused at first as the two normally talked over text or discord barely ever using snapchat. He opened it being greeted by a picture of George in a dark room, thoughts being brought back to the fact that the Brit would be at his home in the next 24 hours.

He read the text over the screen, -Hey dream are you up- the blonde smiled sending back a picture of his now milk filled bowl with the caption *Yeah just finished my breakfast, what are you doin*.

Dream stood up, placing down his phone as he brought his bowl over to the sink. His phone buzzed with a new snap from George and he turned, grabbing his phone and making his way to the living room.

As he fell back onto the comfy couch as he opened the other boys' snap. -I just finished packing, now I'm just laying in bed- the brunette had sent a picture of his now empty room with the only thing in it being the bed George was laying in.

Dream smiled sending a picture back of patches who was now curled up in his lap *were both really excited to see you :)*

He sighed sending the picture then staring at his phone blankly, hand grazing across patches' back.

He stared as he watched the words next to George's username switch from delivered to opened, then to new snap.

Quickly he tapped open the snap greeted by a sleepy looking boy with a bright smile across his face.-she's my favorite :)-

Dream gasped to himself acting, offended he flipped his camera and angled it down so you could see his hand spread out over his chest.*I'm offended*

He stared at the picture of himself, 'I can't what if' "uuhh" he ground sending the picture before flushing and tossing his phone to the other side of the couch.

It buzzed and his eyes widened, face burning. He sighed, eyes still locked on his phone, his hands shaking as he reached for it.

Swiping it open he stared at the Brits username taking a second to recollect himself before opening it.

All dream could see was the side of George's smug face, reading the words across the screen. -hi offended i'm George- littell did the blonde know the brits smug face was hiding his racing thoughts and internal panic, just like when the blonde had played his guitar for him.

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