Only hours away

4 0 0

It was around 3 now. Dream had taken his sweet time in the shower. When he'd finished cleaning up around the house doing the dishes and vacuuming, Lauren called just like they had been for the past few weeks.

Dream had gone into George's designated room and started putting together the bed frame. They'd bought together.

"Lauren he's gonna be here tomorrow" dream said excitement and worry clouding his voice. The two had talked for around an hour and Dream was just now starting to put the desk together.

"Oh clay i'm so happy for you" she spoke in her kind voice, " what time does his flight arrive"

"He'll be here around 1 pm tomorrow." dream smiled screwing in another bolt on the desk, "Oh my god i forgot to tell you about what happened this morning."

"Ooh it's about George, isn't it?" luaren said. Dream could hear the grin on her face.

"Yes it's about George, '' Dream said, rolling his eyes before resisting everything that led up to the picture he sent the brit.

"YOU DID IT CLAY" Lauren yelled, the excitement in her voice prompted." oh my god im so proud of you. Wait what did he say"

"Thank you. And no but he was asleep when i sent it so" dream responded

"That was at like 10 its.. ITS 5 "Lauren said in surprise "is he nocturnal or something" the two laughed at the comment.

"Yes and no" dream laughed again before continuing. " When he called he said he'd just finished packing and I could tell he was super tired. I mean he fell asleep while I was playing my guitar for him."

"You left out that part, what were you playing?" Lauren asked excitedly about one thing they had always had in common was their love for music and for a while Lauren was the only person who had ever heard him play.

"Well I played a bit of big black car, but he fell asleep to yellow" dream said, mind going back to that morning, with a smile spending across his face.

"I remember when you first learned that song" Luaren said happily "what was it your senior year right"

"Yeah he asked me what I knew so I pulled out that notebook you gave me" dream smile grew wider as he finished putting the desk together.

"I remember that" she laughed " and i remember your buzz" Lauren joked

"Never bring that up again" dream laughed " that was a horrible horrible decision"

"Ok well i have to go clay i have a client coming in text me if you even get the smallest peep out of the boy of yours" lauren teased

"Oh screw off" dream laughed

"Clay" Luaren said in that saturn yet gentle tone of hers.

"You know i would text you even if i said i wouldn't" dream responded.

"Your right" lauren laughed " alright clay i'll talk to you later bye"

"Bye lauren" dream said, stepping out of the room next to his. He stood clicking open snap chat to see if he was still left on delivered.

"Hey dream" sapnap greated stepping out of his room

"Fuck!!" dream screamed, throwing his phone as he jumped at the sudden appearance of his raven haired friend. Sapnap laughed, picking up the phone that had landed at his feet.

"Didn't mean to scare ya" sapnap laughed then looked at the opened phone in his hand "ooo what'd you send him a picture of"

"Sapnap give me my phone" dream said adrenalin still pumping from his earlier scare.

You wanna hear my music? //DNFWhere stories live. Discover now