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//Dreams pov//

After hours of searching for a bed frame and desk, George finally decided on something. He got a light brown wood desk with black accents. The back of the desk was elevated for his monitors, in the bottom left there are two open shelves for books or something, bottom right there's one open shelf for his actual PC there's also a Drawer on the right side for any papers or something.

George got a queen size bed with the same color scheme. The bed was pretty low to the ground and had fore drawers under the bed tow on each side. I looked really nice. We also ordered him a bedside table and dresser but in black instead of the wood color.

"It should all arrive in about 4 days" I told George

"Ok thx I'm google to go pack my things naw" George said

"Alright by Georgei" I said before hanging up 'why did I call him that' I questioned myself. I walk out of my room and up the stairs to the main floor. Sapnap was still in the living room having a conversation. I thought he was on the phone but no when I entered the room Karl was sitting there.

"KARL WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" I yelled as the caramel haired boy stood up and I pulled him into a big bare hug.

"DREAM! Hi" he yelled, hugging me tightly.

"When did you get here?" I asked, pulling away from the hug.

"Around 5 or so" he said.

" Wait, what? I went to the kitchen at like 10 I didn't even see you" I was confused how did I not see him this morning

" you were to busy talking to your boyfriend" sapnap coed

" shut up snapmap" I said with a smirk knowing calling him snapmap got under his skin.

"Don't call me snapmap dream" sapnap said in a jokingly angry tone as he stood up and Karl took his place back on the couch.

"Why not snapmap?" I asked tauntingly as I raised an eyebrow

"JUST DONT CLAY" he yelled angrily as he jumped at me trying to tackle me to the ground but I was ready for his attack. widening my stans and putting my hands on his shoulders he immediately put his arms out and tried to push me back but to no avail.

Karl just watched and giggled as both let out small grunts and giggles trying to push each other to the ground.

"KARL HELP MEEE" sapnap yelled. Karl immediately jumped up and started pushing on sapnaps back causing me to shift Slightly.

"HE'S MOVING KARL" at that it was like they got stronger, so I did what any petty person would do. I tightened my grip on sapnaps shoulders digging my thumbs into his preacher points causing him to release his grip on me and in one swift motion I pushed both boys into the couch.

"THATS CHEATING" sapnap shouted, while grabbing his shoulder. I laughed as I walked back to my room sapnap was mumbling something about how he was going to get back at me as i left the room. right as I was at the door my phone went off.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and leaned up against my door, George had texted.

Gogy :)

Can we call?

Anything for you gogy ;)


You know you love me



You... oh my god

I chuckled to myself as I walked into my room. Once I closed the door my phone rang.

Incoming FaceTime call from Gogy :)

"Hia Georgi" I cued wail laying dawn on my bed with one arm under my head and the other facing the phone to the wall behind


George's face was a bright red as he set his phone up against something facing it towards his bed where a mostly packed suitcase layed.

"I need someone to talk to. I'm bored" George said as he continued to fold and pack his clothes.

'he's completely ignoring what i said will see how long that holds up' i thought with a smirk plastered on my face

"Ok what do you want to talk about georgi" i said, slightly moving my phone so you could just see the tip of my hair.

"Anything really i don't care i'm just bored" George didn't even look up at his phone just continued folding clothes to put in his suitcases.

That pissed me off. I wanted a reaction from him so I tilted my phone dawn more so it was showing all of my hair and said "well what's been on your mind gogy" 'surely that would get something out of him'. And it did, George stopped completely, not daring to look at his phone. I could tell his face was a bright red. I got the reaction I wanted but I felt bad. Did I go too far?

"I-im sorry George, did I go too far" i asked while sitting up right still keeping my camera, where you could see my hair but now you could also somewhat see my forehead.

George looked up, his face a soft pink color "your fine i know it's just a joke" he said a soft smile spreading across his face.

His smile made me smile. It's just so contagious. 'I love his smile who couldn't its beautiful, just like his hair and his eyes, his perfect lips, and nose, he was just beautiful in all. Wait what, you can't think that clay he's your best friend for god's sake.'

"Dream? Dreeeeaaam" george dragged out my name

"Yeah.. yeah sorry i zoned out"

"I notes" he paused "when can i come dawn"

"What do you mean"

"Like when should I book my playin tiket?"

"Oh..uuu" i paused to think "how about next week"

"Sounds good. Let me see if theres a flight open"

Before George could even get to his phone I found a ticket for next Friday and booked it.

"Got it let me send you the ticket information"

"What.. no dream tell me you didn't buy it"

"I did" i said as i sent him screenshots of the tiket

"Dreeeaaam. You didn't have to buy my ticket" George wined childishly.

"Well, I did, and you better get your stuff packed" I said and before he could reply I hung up. I can't wait till he gets here.

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