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George had somehow gotten into a screaming match with sapnap he honestly didn't know what about at this point and had completely forgotten about the hole meeting his best friend's family for the first time.

"George, if you were an animal, what would you be? Let's bring that back" Karl yelled, breaking up the debate between the two boys.

"Oh uhh" george hummed thinking of an answer. Immediately acting as of he hadn't just been telling sapnap how stupid he was.

"George would be a cat because he's always sleeping," sapnap said. Doing the exact same.

Just then the front door opened and a young woman yelled "hey clay get me a water" without a second though clay was standing.

"Ok Ang" as the blonde started to leave the living room he stopped turning to the front door "Wait angie" stood now infront of him was his older sister.

George couldn't put it but he recognized her well kind of, she was just slightly shorter than dream with long brown hair.

"Hey dofus" She laughed pulled the stunned boy into a hug "miss me"

"Wh- wha" Dream immediately wrapped his arms around her tears falling from his eyes as he hid his face in her shoulder "your such a dick"

"YESSS" bella yelled "we were finally right" She cried hugging someone standing just out of view.

George had no idea what was happening but the realization that dreams family was here sank in quickly and he felt sick.

"You're such a cry baby clay" Angie said, pulling out of the hug.

"Well i mean it has been a long time" dream sniffed whipping his eyes.

"Yeah i missed you alot dumbass," she said with a big smile on her face.

"I missed you to asshat"dream responded

"Now the young man no cussing" An older woman said. George immediately recognised the voice 'There's no way' the brit thought to himself.

"Gram " dream said his face lighting up as the women came into view of the boys on the couch. George gasped 'it actually is'

"Oh god you've grown so much" She said, grabbing his face. "Handsome as ever though gosh."

"Thank you gram come in come in dont may mom and dad stand there with all the bags" dream laughed directing them into the living room.

"Oh my goodness george isn't this a coincidence." Dreams grandma said upon entering the living room.

"Anita I knew i recognized you" george said standing up and giving her a hug. They laughed when they pulled away to see the confused look on everyone's faces.

"How do you guys know each other" dream asked.

"You remember when you and Bella were doing your weird sibling telepathy thing when I told you about the women I sat next to on the plane," , George said.

"Oh yeah, you totally spoiled the surprise," Dream replied, crossing his arms.

"Oh shut up" Angie said, punching the blonde in the arm. "How would he have known"

"Exactly thank you" george started

"Angie" angie siad taking a seat on the loveseat.

"Thank you Angie," George smiled, sitting back down.

"Say sorry clay" Anita said glaring at dream as she made her way over to sit next to angie.

"Are you serious?" he said in disbelief.

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