Early morning call.

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A/N: Ok so I want to Make a something clearer before this chapter. Dreams offices if going downstairs and his actual rooms going to be upstairs, I know it's confusing, but he'd mainly sleep in his office because he was normally on his computer late into the night and didn't want to go upstairs, but he hasn't been on his computer for a while, so he's been in his room. 

!!!!!I changed a bit of the last chapter so please go re read it!!!!!!

Clay shot up right in bed, though running too fast to catch. His dark blonde hair dampened from sweet. Throwing the soft thin blanket off of him, He swung his legs over the side of his bed. He rested his elbows on his legs putting his face in his hand as tears threatened to spill down his cheeks just like they had in his dream. Slowly he pulled his hands down his face wiping sweat from his face while simultaneously wiping his eyes.

He took a deep breath pushing himself to his feet and grabbing his phone off his night sand as he walked out of his room. Still half asleep, he walked down the hall to the bathroom.  clod metal met his hand as he opened the door and walked over to the shower.

He nudged the cur ten just enough to august the water temperature, he only moved it slightly keeping the water cold. 

The blonde discarded his sweaty clothes and climbed into the frigid water. Once the water hit his skin he came back to reality shivering at the rapid change in temperature.

He quickly wiped his hands dry on the towel that hung from the shower pole, reaching out of the shower to grab his phone to play music.

Opening Spotify and pressing play on whatever he had listened to last, just so he had something to distract himself from the cold water.

After a few minutes his body got used to the water and he began rubbing shampoo into his now dark brown hair. He stepped back into the water letting the soap slip down his body and into the drain.

Once the shampoo was out of his hair he began rubbing conditioner in his hair, Letting it sit for a few minutes before washing it out. Days have gone by since he got back home. He brought his old guitar from his parents house and had been learning how to play again. Some days he'd bring his guitar with him to Lauren's office and he'd play for her and others. She'd help him get out what he wanted to say.

Dream's never been good with speaking what he thinks, so Lauren had given him a way to say it without actually saying it. Lauren would give him a pencil and paper when he couldn't get out what he wanted to say and dream would write it down in the form of lists, letters, stories, and even poems sometimes; it didn't matter how he wrote, he would just write.

Once he finished getting the conditioner out of his hair he shut off the water and raped a towel around his waist grabbing his phone and heading back into his room.

He opened his dresser grabbing a pair of sweats and pulled them one then he walked over to his closet and grabbed a random t-shirt before heading down to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast.

Once he was in the kitchen he headed for the fridge to see what he could make. He decided just to make some eggs. He grabbed the egg carton and walked over to the stove pulling a pan out from the cabinet to the bottom left of him, before grabbing two eggs and cracking them into the pan.

He decided he wanted sunny side up eggs so he just waited for the clear yoke to turn weight. As he watched the eggs slowly cook, he felt something soft push up against his leg.

He looked down to see Patches looking up at him hungrily, her big Doe eyes pleading for food.

"Hey Patches, are you hungry?" He asked, looking down at the cat as she meowed in agreement.

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