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Alright so this will be in Katy's and Lucas's Pov I want you guys to get to know them then see if you like them together.

Katy's Pov

I'm your average girl. I'm 5'10. Taller then most of my friends. I have really long dirty blonde hair, bluish-grey eyes and freckles. I'm not really a good girl but I'm not bad either. I'm just me. I hate school with a passion. I'm not that smart I just really really really love to draw its also one of my passions. I draw all the time. My parents freak every time a report card comes around I get an A in art but C's in everything else. Hey I try. But it's my senior year and I'm so ready to be done with school. College I don't know I might just do it online. I love everything anime, pop music, cartoons, and SKITTLES. My friends tell my I'm a five year old stuck in a eighteen year olds body.

Lucas's pov

So I'm the newly appointed Alpha of the Dark star park one of the most feared pack in the world. I just turned 20 and I was losing hope on finding my mate, werewolves normally find there mates at 16. I have black hair in a Zayn Malik type hair style and green eyes. Due to being a werewolf I'm really buff I have a eight pack. I'm 6'8 a really tall dude I'm told that like everyday in human territory. I'm not a bad guy but I have to be a fearless Alpha and protect my pack. Girls throw themselves at me annoyingly and to be honest I hated it. But thanks to me being an alpha my sex drive is crazy so I limit myself to one girl a week. I just pray my mate well forgive me.


Alrighty first chapter it's really short I know I know it's just to let you get to know the characters alittle bit. Don't kill me. I don't know why I made this chapter in bold letters to be honest I did it by accident and when I finally noticed I didn't fell like redoing it all.


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