chapter 11

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Four months later.

Katy's POV

It's been four months since Lucas proposed to me and it's been  wonderful he's been the perfect  gentlemen. We are still planning for the wedding and I can't wait to be Mrs. James. It's now like right in the morning and I'm just watching Lucas as he sleeps but I really have to pee. He has his arm firmly on my waist locking me in his embrace. I tried to move but he only tightened his hold. I gave up and let out a frightening scream. He quickly  woke up and stood over me protectively and looking around for danger. I laughed at how protective he is. He looked at me crazy.

"What happened why did you scream?" He asked concerned.

"I just had to pee and you wouldn't move." I said shrugging my shoulders. He just looked at me mad.

"Don't do that again you scared me baby I thought you were hurt or in trouble." He said stroking my cheek.

"I'm sorry but I really do have to pee." I said hopping off the bed and heading towards the bathroom.


Lucas's POV

I went downstairs after she went to the bathroom to make something to eat. I decided to make chocolate chip pancakes and bacon. Then she came downstairs and she sniffed the air.

"Yay pancakes baby your the best." She said walking over to me kissing my cheek.

"No your the best." I said kissing her lips. She went to sit on the island. Then she looked down at her phone and tensed up.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked concerned.

"Nothing I just lost at this game."she said and I knew she was lying but I left it at that. I finished up cooking and she ate it all fast like I never seen a girl eat so fast.


Katy's POV

I was sitting down at the island and I got a text message from an unknown number.

Unknown: you might be his mate but I will be Luna you will not stand in my way. You have taken one to many things away from me. Have fun playing house until I come and take over.

After reading that I tensed up and I knew Lucas noticed.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked concerned.

"Nothing I just lost at this game." I said lying I knew he knew but he didn't say anything just gave me my food and I ate it. After breakfast I took a shower and got dressed only in some sweat pants and one of Lucas's shirts. He had alpha paperwork to do so I went in the basement and watched some chowder on Netflix. (If you don't remember that cartoon network TV show you live under a rock and your life probably sucks. Jk maybe). I was sitting up laughing when I smelled someone it wasn't Lucas that's all I knew. Before I could check  to see a rag was put over my mouth and darkness took me over.


Lucas's POV

I was done with my paperwork so I went to search for Katy but her scent was faint in the house like she left a while ago. I ran downstairs into the basement and I smelt someone else it smelled familiar but I can't remember who. I tried texting her but she left her phone next to the couch on the coffee table. Katy never leaves her phone ever. I picked it up and started looking through it only to find a text message from an unknown number.

Unknown: you might be his mate but I will be Luna you will not stand in my way. You have taken one to many things away from me. Have fun playing house until I come and take over.

Wtf who would send that to Katy. My beautiful mate was kidnapped and I wasn't there to see her. Who ever did this would pay with there life.

Everyone your Luna has been kidnapped search the pack no place should be left unsearched find her and bring her back to me! Go! I mind linked the whole pack this means war.


Yay there is the chapter hope you enjoyed. Who do you think took Katy? Put your guesses in the comment section. Love you guys vote,comment, share.

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